Denver, CO – 9New Next anchor Kyle Clark is spiraling out of control. The so-called “reporter” is promoting authoritarian control, up to $1000 fines, and frankly, he just sounds unhinged.
Hobby Lobby can be considered “essential”
For instance, Clark was promoting Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser’s threatened abuse of power against Hobby Lobby.
Clearly, Clark did not take the time to consider the ways in which Hobby Lobby could be considered “essential.” Instead of considering every angle, he just backed up Weiser’s abuse of power.
First and foremost in our minds is the access to craft materials for homemade masks that many people are making.
In fact, one of our writers has not one, but TWO relatives who are making masks for friends and even healthcare professionals that are buying them as soon as they are ready. One of these is a home healthcare professional, and the other is out-of-work due to the entertainment industry shutting down. For the latter, this is a key source of income right now as they struggle to make ends meet.
For people who are taking similar steps, shutting down Hobby Lobby may lock them out of an important supply source. With delivery services strained and Amazon no longer guaranteeing delivery times, storefronts that have these supplies are important – if not “essential.”
None of these scenarios seem to matter to Clark, who would rather promote leftist politicians than do his job.
Attacks on the President and Christians
Just a few days ago, Clark found it prudent to attack My Pillow for repurposing the business to help protect Americans. We’re not sure why, but it seems that talking about God and supporting the President upset him.
This Twitter user made an excellent counter-point.
Turning to God is getting millions of Americans through this troubling time. From a freedom of speech standpoint, anybody from government officials, to family members, to members of the press (Clark) [Citizen Press emphasis], have a right to speak about God. We guess Clark disagrees.
Authoritarian support
Yesterday, Clark was promoting authoritarian measures dictating that people MUST “wear some form of covering over their nose and mouth… …when: entering into or inside of any building open to the public.” The fine for not following this order is up to $1,000.
The elitist snark gets old fast.
The saddest part is, Clark cannot even handle the heat he takes when he dishes it out!
Kyle Clark is hiding detractors from his timeline
Apparently, Kyle Clark removed around 300 people’s tweets from his timeline JUST YESTERDAY. We’re guessing they said something he disagreed with or hurt his feelings. Oh, and while he was at it, he made sure to promote vaccinations since he loves to rag on “anti-vaxxers.”
Mute is a feature that allows you to remove an account’s Tweets from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking that account.
This is from a quick Google search
As a public figure, should Clark really be silencing people? Clearly, he knows better than all of us.
If Clark can’t handle the heat while he is dishing out left-wing propaganda and supporting tyranny, he should step down from his position as a public figure and anchor at 9News.
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I agree with your assessment. Today I had an E mail conversation with Clark asking why Colorado didn’t have access to the rapid Corona Test. I wondered why he didn’t push Polis for an answer. He got very defensive and showed his arrogance claiming he had but check the record he didn’t push the Governor for an answer! If the Governor was a Republican he would have been all over them!
The only states with rapid testing are NY and NJ right, both led by DEMOCRATS.
Not a single GOP controlled state has rapid testing right now.
You could not make me take that test.
I’m not going to let the CDC issue me any tests outside of normal privacy channels between me and my doctor. A test which will be combined to a new tracking registry, dictating your right to work or not in the future!?
Clue, please acquire one.
Trump is an elected official. Kyle Clark is an employee of a private company…. just saying
It does not matter. If you’re using twitter you’re part of the problem, not the solution.
If they are so essential then why are they closed on Sunday?
So their employees can worship. Funny years ago MANY businesses were closed on Sunday, If they did not believe in a GOD then they got a free day off. Funny we are fighting over this when we should be trying to pull together.
Karen, crafting supplies are not essential in a pandemic. Nor are cutesy framed bible quotes.
I bought my copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States at Hobby Lobby.
Sold as full size poster rolls or nice super duty framed behind glass for a few dollars more.
They make excellent Christmas, birthday, and covid-19 tyrannical lockdown event gifts.
Don’t forget to show your support to the best of the best businesses and pick them up at Hobby Lobby.
This wouldn’t have even passed for 8th grade journalism. Be better.
He is a person just like the rest of us and is entitled to his own opinion, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean he should lose his job. I don’t like your article so now you need to lose your job for being a dumbass
You losers think knitting is essential in a pandemic.
Just like you didn’t think the pandemic was real a month ago.
You’re the only ones spiraling out of control while you try to defend something indefensible while people are dying.
Stay safe out there, losers.
Hobby Lobby is not essential. No way.
The pillow guy is a flat out trumper.
You do know that Hobby Lobby fired their employees without notice.
He is calling out the truth.
Sounds like whoever made this article has a personal problem with Kyle. His opinions are his choice, just like you have yours. If you don’t like them, don’t follow Kyle! Hobby Lobby is not essential, and no that’s not Kyles fault so get off the lame blame game. And your article mentions people making masks for purchase!?! Therefore you are gloating about people making profit off of others not having masks when there are so so many Coloradans making masks to GIVE AWAY. Should not be using the Colorado citizen press to push your personal agenda on others.
Both of our family members were making masks for friends and family to give away. One was contacted by health care professionals about purchasing the masks. They are low income and out of work. How dare they accept payment for a service they are providing so they can pay rent.
I’m going to make a special point of going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow.
It’s a good thing I abandoned fake news media a very long time ago.
The anti Christian crew can save their petty judgments for the peanut gallery.
All these corporate news shills, nearly out of a job, viewership having fallen consistently, year over year.
Then a new fear based story to cover full time and overtime. “Meat’s back on the menu boys!”
Call this for what it is; Discrimination based on employment.
You, you there, you’re special, you can work. You over there on the left, not special, you’re fired. You, in the back, yes you, special you can work. And you over there, keep your job! You in the front row, sorry, you lose your job. You over there, I like the looks of you, you can keep your job too!
Anyone still buying this? Turn off your television.