Denver, CO – 9News Next anchor Kyle Clark admits to using his platform as a 9News “reporter” to meddle in Colorado’s election process and liken Republicans to hate crimes.
Here is Clark admitting that he intends to use his platform to meddle with elections.
The tweet from @AlWirtes is in reference to this unhinged tweet from Clark. Also note, the person being attacked by Clark does not appear to be running for office.
Apparently, Clark’s feelings were hurt, so he resorted to an ad hominem fallacy to attack this Twitter user.
He was accused of being bought and paid for by two rich socialists who use their money to buy political power. Because Clark didn’t have a better retort, he just shouted ANTI-SEMITISM.
For the many of you that are likely unaware, both Polis and Soros are Jewish. Clark must think referencing two rich socialists in the same tweet, who also happen to be Jewish, constitutes anti-semitism. This is just a sad use of identity politics that Clark used in an attempt to degrade the character of his detractor.
Are Clark’s detractors starting to get to him? Perhaps the 9News Next ratings started to slip because Clark is spouting off about politics instead of the news?
Whatever the reason, the guy sounds unhinged, and there’s more…
Yesterday, Clark actually brought back up how he likened citizen activists and Colorado Republicans to HATE CRIMES on the first day of the 2020 legislative session.
Clark is clearly doing everything he can this year to hurt the GOP.
We wrote about this before, but this Twitter user hit the nail on the head with their response to Clark’s original post.
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what a jerk. i don’t know how anyone could possibly take him seriously. his intelligence rivals that of an insect.
Ernie is right. Kyle Clark is an opinionated asshole. He can’t even get along with Kathy Sabin. Whenever he comes on the news I change channels.
We stopped watching 9 news when little Kyle👎 the Leftist Commie started spewing his bovine feces. The best way to get 9 news to wake up is by not buying from any business that advertises on their Lefttist station and let the advertisers know!
I agree 100% with M. Meyer.
All the tv media in Co is liberal trash, I don’t even use them for the weather report. Too many Dems in state office jobs as well as the Colorado Lottery.
I have discovered the perfect plan for handling Kyle Clark-I simply never watch him or anyone else on his network. He actually didn’t have to admit that he has a bias-watch him once and it is obvious. I did watch him once and haven’t watched him since. No one who watches any of the mainstream media outlets in Denver knows there is no such thing as a non biased reporter in the bunch, but Clark is the only one who seems to thrive on his anti-Republican stances. The rest of them pretend to be unbiased.
Kyle Clark is a jerk….I only watch 9 News because of the weather team and some of the other reporters. As soon as NEXT comes on I switch to Fox News Channel, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, or anything to not have to listen to him!!! Why was nothing reported about him laughing at a conservative speaker who was physically attacked by antifa and BLM thugs at a Blue Lives Matter event in Denver on July 19th? Get rid of him.
I agree 100% with T. Valenta. He is a jerk and an asshole. He can’t even get along with Kathy Sabin. I detest him. When he comes on, I switch to Fox News also.