Denver, CO – The Joint Budget Committee is raiding the unclaimed property trust to help cover the $3.3 billion budget shortfall caused by Polis’ executive orders.
Basically, any unclaimed property in Colorado ends up in this trust. Unclaimed property includes things such as refunds, contents of safety deposit boxes, overpayments, dividends, and payroll checks.
So, because Polis plunged Colorado into an economic decline and the budget is now short $3.3 billion, the government is going to use taxpayers’ actual property to fund some of the budget.
But what are the problems with the Joint Budget Committee deciding to spend money from the unclaimed property trust?
First and foremost, these are not taxes collected by Colorado. This trust includes Coloradans’ personal property, and it is not a fund to be used to fund the budget.
Secondly, considering Colorado is already facing a $3.3 billion shortfall, where is the money going to come from to pay back citizens?
If the trust becomes insolvent, the government will not be able to pay its debts to Coloradans.
Yes, the budget is drastically underfunded. However, that is a problem of overspending by the government. It is certainly not the problem of citizens who were subjugated by a power-hungry governor, ordered to stay home at the expense of their jobs, and still are not allowed to open their businesses.
Every year politicians create more expensive programs, more bureaucracy, and more funding problems.
Let’s put this in perspective. The trust with citizens’ personal property is being spent by the government, but the Governor’s taxpayer-funded plane is still in the budget.
On top of this, progressive groups are calling for a tax increase to offset the budget shortfall. Again, this is a shortfall created by Polis and his crony government bureaucracy.
Polis also spent $1.6 billion in federal relief funds without consulting the legislature.
Why should citizens be asked to give up anything else?
The video is embedded below, and the discussion on the unclaimed property trust begins at about 9:30:00.
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No way Jose! Don’t give him a penny. These creeps need to be held accountable for their incompetence. Why should citizens be punished when it is the governor’s fault. He should be removed from office. Not one penny should come from citizens. He is so smart tell him to figure it out. Start with a dramatic cut in his salary. Cut non essential budget items. Actions speak louder than words. He over stepped his authority with his big mouth now let him figure it out. Publicize names of any who approve of him doing this communist heist on the public. Don’t vote for them in November. Remove them all from office!
So you returned your stimulus check then? Audit the FED! The Coronavirus tyranny is brought to you, courtesy of the federal reserve. They have charged all the losses imposed from the top to the very bottom of government, and every private company in their favor, domestic, and foreign, back to the American dollar. That is a tax on the spending power of every man woman and child in this country. In the form of inflation and money creation out of thin air. As long as the fed persists, this runaway government will continue to run. Taxation without representation is now firmly in place in Colorado, and the rest of this country. Has been for over 100 years. As fewer and fewer people are aware of the rank injustice of our monetary system, as warned by Thomas Jefferson in the early 1800’s, these people are now more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. “The bank is trying to kill me Mr Van Buren…” Forget the last part of that quote, it no longer applies. People took the money. They did not resist.
Who would have standing to challenge this action? Are there any good attorneys willing to take up the fight?
If an attorney would do this for nothing and win, he or she would have so many clients it would well make up the loses to do for free.
Attornies are selfish, they would rather pursue private companies for a payday. Here: