Golden, CO – The Jefferson County Public Health Executive Director lives in Boulder County, Colorado. Dr. Mark B. Johnson is a registered Democrat living in Louisville, Colorado.
Dr. Mark B. Johnson joins the club of Boulder elites who rule over Coloradans that live outside their county.
Other notable members include Governor Jared Polis, Colorado Speaker of the House KC Becker (D-Boulder), and Senate Majority Leader Stephen Fenberg (D-Boulder).
Johnson already attempted to enforce public health orders by issuing strict cease and desist letters to Jefferson County businesses. The letters threatened up to $1,000 fines and up to 12 months in jail!
Coloradans are losing their jobs and businesses due to the overreaching orders Johnson seeks to enforce. He is not an elected official, yet he wields enormous power over a county where he does not even reside.
On top of this, Jefferson County joined Denver and Boulder in extending the “Stay at Home” order until May 8, 2020.
That is nearly two more weeks that Jefferson County residents will remain subject to Johnson’s orders.
An enormous amount of power is held by a small group of liberal elites who live in Boulder County. Apparently, the Executive Director of Jefferson County Public Health is one of them.
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Californicated for sure . Easy when when you have a big guaranteed
Income to tell everyone to stay inside and become a ward of the government.
May God and our constitution prevale over the evil darkness starting to cover the land.