Jefferson County GOP Leadership Refuses to Condemn 1A Tax Hike

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Jefferson County, CO – The Jefferson County GOP leadership reportedly refuses to condemn the Ballot Issue 1A tax increase.

According to reports on “Jefferson County Republicans – Unofficial” and tips from our readers, the Executive Committee voted 9-5 not to fight 1A. It is the duty of Jefferson County GOP leadership to uphold the principles of the Colorado Republican Party. Yet, Denise Mund (Chairman) and Erica Shields (Vice Chair) appear to be taking no action.

Specifically, defending the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) is a core resolution of the Colorado Republican Party.

Support for TABOR –It is resolved that Colorado Republicans oppose continued attempts to circumvent the Colorado Constitution by raising taxes, imposing new taxes, or taxes in the guise of fees, without the affirmative vote of the people

From: 2016 CRC Assembly & Convention Resolutions

Ultimately, it is up to the will of the voters. However, that does not mean Jefferson County GOP leadership cannot organize against a tax increase that undermines TABOR.

The Jefferson County Democratic Party is promoting 1A on social media and organizing phone banks to pass Proposition CC. By refusing to act, the Jefferson County GOP is effectively clearing the field for this tax increases to pass.

The question that needs asked is, why is Jefferson County GOP leadership not fighting 1A?

Colorado Citizen Press contacted the Jefferson County Republican Party for comment but received no response.

4 thoughts on “Jefferson County GOP Leadership Refuses to Condemn 1A Tax Hike

  1. Why don’t they have the balls to admit the re all RINOS in the mold of Mitt Romney and John Kasich. Kick their asses out of office. Vote no on CC and 1A!!!!!

  2. Friends helping friends write their own paychecks and Erica wanted to be on the Jeffco school board- that’s some funny stuff right there.

  3. Colorado Republican elected officials, in large part, have had their own hands in messing with TABOR since it was passed. They are lazy and addicted to our money.

  4. When has the GOP in Colorado ever adequately fought anything These greedy over taxing Dems do in this State?

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