Jefferson County, CO – The Jefferson County tax hike supporters wrote the Ballot Issue 1A “no” argument. The statement is misleading and raises the question of whether or not this misdirection should be considered fraudulent.
It is no secret that Democrats are willing to do anything in their power to get the tax increases they want. At the state level, Governor Jared Polis and Democrat leadership are begging voters to give them more money after they overspent in 2019. But we digress.
The opening line of the “no” argument claims:
The County doesn’t need more revenues; it can balance its budget by making further cuts to public safety, roads, bridges and other county services.
Jefferson County Voter Guide, misleading “No” on 1A argument
This argument appears to be a sabotage attempt. The actual opponents to Jeffco 1A say the statement is factually incorrect, and they do not want to make cuts to public safety, roads, and bridges.
Upon further investigation, the “no” argument turned out to be written by Rebecca Winning. Winning is the registered agent for the committee supporting the tax increase.
What’s more, the comment submitted did not include the legally required address or signature of the voter. Instead, the Jefferson County Clerk claims they verified the voter’s information with the email address. This is likely a violation of state law, and a complaint has been filed with the Secretary of State’s office. There is a potentially significant conflict of interest with this complaint that we will cover in a follow-up article.
Winning does not believe the opponents of the tax increase should write the “yes” argument, so why did she produce a misleading “no” argument for the Jefferson County Voter Guide?
I don’t think the opposition should be writing the pro statement or that we should be writing the con statement, but we didn’t know what else to do.
Rebecca Winning
Perhaps a better question is, should charges of fraud be filed against those involved?
In our opinion, this statement is on the Voter Guide to deliberately mislead voters.
You can watch the original coverage from 9News in the video below.
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