Golden, CO – Jefferson County Public Health is threatening up to $1,000 fines and imprisonment for up to 12 months if businesses do not immediately comply with orders.
One of our readers sent in a copy of the cease and desist order their employer’s business received from Jefferson County Public Health officials today.

In large, black, capital letters, the cease and desist letter reads:
Executive Order D 2020-017 and Public Health Order 20-24 include the likely unconstitutional “Stay at Home” order and force businesses deemed “non-critical” to close.
Business owners, our friends, family, and neighbors, are now being threatened with massive fines and up to a year of prison time.
If you take a closer look at the form letter, it includes four potential violations and a blank line for enforcement officials to fill in at their discretion. These include:
- [ ] Continuing to operate a Non-Critical Business;
- [ ] Failing to comply with Social Distancing Requirements;
- [ ] A gathering of any number of people outside of a single household or living unit;
- [ ] Use of prohibited areas (playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, etc.); or
- [ ] __________________________________________________________
The form actually includes in the violations options, “A gathering of any number of people,” OR a blank line for government officials to fill in.
Folks, this is the work of a totalitarian police state.
The reader who contacted us said the officials who dropped off the cease and desist letter told them, “they are making the rounds today and visiting many businesses.”
The reader also shared concerns that if the business owners do comply and shut down, money is going to get tight quickly.
People and businesses are being hurt while Jefferson County chooses to rule with an iron fist.
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So, what can we the people do about it?? That is the most important question we need the answer to!
Incompetence from the top down now leading to a totalitarian police state. Time to push back, people. This is unconstitutional and we need to stop it NOW.
Half an article. It is never stated what kind of business it is our whether they have a reason to be open our not. Sure it looks oppressive and heavy handed but at least give us all the information if you want us to believe your reporting.
Who cares what kind of business it is? These “orders” should be nothing but recommendations plain and simple. This “cure” will be totally worse than the disease, both from the body count from depression, drug/alcohol abuse and despair and from the loss of freedoms now but more so in the future. ALL the initial models have been wrong by 400% or more and based on those models we killed an economy that will, at best, take a decade to get back on its feet.
It’s a legal business. Who gets to determine what is essential and what is not? One man who thinks he gets to control our lives. He’s destroying the lives of millions, while maybe saving a few. We are being guilted and strong armed into following orders. Last I checked, this is still America, not Nazi Germany.
The question is, when will one or more of these businesses have the guts to sue?
Even Hobby Lobby deferred.
Take gov rolley-polley and all his faithful demolcommies, arrest them, throw them in prison; charge them with treason/criminal sabotage, convict them and hang them; then, drive all the illegals back to kalifornication.
These unelected bureaucrats don’t have the constitutional state or federal to enforce this BS! When we stand up and say enough? I’m retired so I don’t have a dog in this fight. Right is right and this is wrong!
Colo gov is rotten to the core. I get a visceral repulsion when I hear Polis speak on the tv.
A sexual pervert wrenching power over the people in a narcissistic, morally condescending tone.
I’m a native Coloradoan. I’ve loved Colorado’s mountains since I was a boy; I’m 66 years old.
Colorado’s high country was God’s country to me. My son and my wife were born here. My dad passed away here in ’91. My sis and I scattered his remains and our sister Donna’s (2017) too over near the Book Cliffs on the Western Slope, Grand Junction area.
We’re retiring to North Carolina, and will miss Colorado and several of our people here–but, I’m so glad to get away from Colorado politics.
I’m leaving.
Both the Denver mayor and Colorado governor like to blame the federal government for everything. The feds don’t have to provide everything to the states.
Don’t like it when people critique your reporting? Why was my comment deleted? Sad.
We cannot monitor the comments 24/7. Your other comment was approved this morning.
There should be exemptions for business’s that, 1. Don’t engage in close contact with customers 2. don’t have any employee’s that have to work in close quarters . 3. Don’t engage in any actions that could possibly spread a virus.
The legality of these shut down orders should be challenged as unconstitutional.
The businesses should end their contracts with the unconstitutional STATE OF COLORADO inc, current CEO Polis, and be prepared to defend the un-a-lien-able Right to do business under the Colorado Constitution and Federal Constitution at Article 1-Section 10-Clause 1.
Every business should be standing up to this unconstitutional BS and the public should be supporting any business that does stand up to it!
This is the type of situation that will occur when the priorities of the public and the priorities of the government are opposite in an extreme situation. Whether it is constitutional or not remains to be seen through a court challenge. Totalitarian? Well, that is what happens when you live in a predominantly liberal state brought about by many years of electing democrat leadership. Look where it has brought us. First, it was Hick. and the democrat ruled State House. Then it was legalization of pot. Look where that took us. More influx of democrat based population. Now, in an extreme circumstances, we have an individual clearly living without God, making rules that border on taking away our constitutional rights?? Colorado, you asked for it. You got it !!! What is ironic, is the very people that I am sure voted for him are getting what they don’t want. I hope they learn from their mistakes. Voting for him that is !!!!!!
This loosely written ‘Public Health Order’ not only threatens businesses but creates a police state in which every one of us who choose to have a small gathering of ‘any number’ of family or friends at our homes — regardless of whether we maintain social distancing — could be charged. This is despotic authoritarianism at it Marxist best. This is beyond the pale of reasonable. Rise up! Resist!
WHERE in either the Colorado, or the US Constitution allow the Legislative and Executive Branches to ASSIGN THEIR CONSTITUTIONALLY ASSIGNED DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS TO unelected, UNACCOUNTABLE bureaucrats?
And THAT holds true for EVERY REGULATORY AGENCY, regardless of level of government.
As a hairstylist/business owner, I find it unconstitutional and UNETHICAL to make this solely a monkey on our backs, on other businesses as well. So why dont people accept common sense responsibility, if your compromised or live with someone who’s compromised STAY HOME ( common sense).
From a fever, sore throat, laryngitis, flu ETC.
Good for all business, I appreciate the awakening and willingness to push back!!!
Well said………….