Washington, D.C. – Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) from Aurora jumped on the impeachment train with six other freshmen Democratic House Reps who penned an op-ed calling for impeachment. The Washington Post published the op-ed.
We noted yesterday, the allegations against Trump do not appear to hold much weight. Democrats and the media appear to be jumping through hoops to turn this into a scandal after the failed Mueller witch hunt.
Let’s jump to the end. The seven freshmen ended their op-ed jab at Trump with this quote:
These new allegations are a threat to all we have sworn to protect. We must preserve the checks and balances envisioned by the Founders and restore the trust of the American people in our government. And that is what we intend to do.
From “Seven freshman Democrats: These allegations are a threat to all we have sworn to protect”
It sounds nice, but we found a few problems with the closing statement from these freshmen politicians.
They speak as if an impeachment investigation will unite Americans. If anything, it will be the final blow that divides American voters.
Many people consider this inquiry partisan overreach by the Democratic party, and the numbers back that up. According to this NBC News tally of impeachment support, 222 of 235 Democrats, and one independent support some action on impeachment. Justin Amash (I-MI) is the lone independent.
If Democrats blinded by their hatred for Trump believe this will do anything but destroy political discourse in the United States, they are sorely mistaken.
However, the real story is Crow’s blatant hypocrisy in co-authoring this op-ed.
“We must preserve the checks and balances envisioned by the Founders…”
Our long term readers likely remember how Jason Crow (and Sen. Michael Bennet) immediately politicized the tragic STEM shooting. They hijacked an event billed as a vigil to further their anti-gun agenda (it was in fact organized by Moms Demand Action).
Crow supports an “assault weapons” ban. He supports magazine limits and other gun control. He supports ending the check and balance against government overreach guaranteed to Americans by the Second Amendment.
Crow and his freshmen colleagues are not for checks and balances or unity at all. They intend to increase government control and support a highly partisan attack on President Trump considered overreach by many Americans.
If there is actual evidence of wrongdoing, we want to see it. So far, everything released appears to be second-hand information or non-incriminating.
What this op-ed looks like is a desperate attempt by overshadowed freshmen to gain recognition. After all, the squad gets much more press than any of these Democrat signers.
Those favoring impeachment do not stand for the Constitution of the United States. They stand for political gain.
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Crow is nothing but another POLITICAL OPPORTUNIST LAWYER! And my district needs another experienced business owner (who understands Capitalism and Free Market Economics!) to replace this self-serving Fool (and all of his destructive moron democrat pals!) in 2020 !
Is Jason related to Jim?
I back Mr. Crow whole heartedly on an assault weapons ban, and magazine limits. I have trespassers on my land emptying thirty round magazines into trees, fence posts, signs, deer, turkeys every once in awhile. This kind of thing has always happened on ranch land, but not with hundreds of rounds blasted Willy-Nilly. I have rifles and shotguns, and am highly accurate, was anyway, before my eyes got so bad, but dead on center at 200 yards with open sights. I have shot many thousands of rounds since I was a kid, and carried a rifle most days of my younger years. I have horses out here, I found several slugs lodged in the wall of the stable. It is lucky my stable is made out of two inches of some kind of concrete material backed by 12 gauge steel, the bullets just stop at the steel, but leave darn big dimples in the inner wall. Fools playing army taking over court houses and capitol buildings is another reason why those weapons should go. Police in those situations are severely outgunned, and could not stop an insurrection if one were to take off. And for heavens sake, if you think assault weapons don’t have anything to do with mass murders in schools, and movie theaters, and bars, and churches, and temples, and Las Vegas concerts, and all of the tragedies that haven’t happened yet, but will start up again at the whim of an unhinged person who loves the feel of spraying bullets from an assault weapon, you have spent way too much time lying to yourself and others who call you on it. Mr. Crow is absolutely correct on this.