Colorado state highways are facing a $9 billion backlog and legislators are scrambling to start chipping away at it since they’ve occupied most of their time to teaching kids about gay sex, giving away Colorado’s Electoral votes, and trying to destroy the state’s leading economic industry.
Because the budget is speculated to be full of nanny state free-bees like universal (insert program here), additional highway funding has taken a backseat, but hasn’t been forgotten.
House Speaker KC Becker is still working on her proposal that would allocate overflowed revenue from the Taxpayer Bill of Rights cap, rather than refunding it back to taxpayers.
This will potentially be on the ballot this year or next year.
With the budget bound to be filled with “free” programs that somehow cost a lot of money (sarcasm), and low likelihood of citizens approving higher taxes, there’s a high speculation of a gas tax. Oh, I’m sorry…a gas FEE.
Remember, fees are different from taxes (somehow). This would be implemented as a fuel consumption fee that would be charged at your purchase and is somehow different from the existing gas tax.

If this in fact happens, it may face legal challenges.
It’s still unclear on when this might happen, but Becker’s proposal will be coming out shortly according to her. The longer a proposed solution gets put off, the more likely it is to see a new gas tax fee.
Polis is a jerk! RECALL!
Democrats cant sleep unless they are taxing someone or something. They never met a tax they didnt like. Here is a suggestion democratic comrades, legalize prostitution then you can taxe sex by the inch or stroke.
what happened to all the money from the legalization of pot? We were told so many new “fees” would be going to roads and schools. Yet these are the 2 areas that keep being trotted out every time the legislator needs money. I guess you all feel we as the citizens of CO are clueless. NOT! Politicians, you MUST realize you are supposed to work for the citizens of CO NOT for yourself or special interests. The time is coming that CO citizens are fed up with all the underhanded politics and we will recall, revolt, whatever it takes to control the OVERREACHING CO government of 2019~
Stealing is immoral even if you vote to steal.
Well as long as Colorado votes these idiots in pushing green deals and ideas. We will all pay more for everything hell most can’t afford to live know and they want to charge more tax s and fees. This gas tax is to Lin there pickets and push electric we cannot allow these jerks to get qeau with it. We voted down 112. And gas stayed reasonably stable but they change this well all be paying five six bucks a gallon at the pump. It’s only to squeeze all of us don’t let them get away with it. They are slowly destroying our nation. It’s going to hurt every single one of us. We must stop them.