In preparation for this article, we watched Steyer’s campaign for president kick-off video (please feel our pain by sharing this article!). He talks about big money in politics and how the corporations run things, and THAT’S why he’s running for President.
Well, here’s the problem – he is one of the largest donors and influencers in lefty politics (we’re going to info dump a ton of links at the end of this article). He puts the hip-hop in hypocrisy.
Of course, the mainstream media is going to ignore the fact that just 7 months ago, Steyer announced he was NOT running for president. Even though he’s been on a self-promoting PR campaign for almost a decade now. It’s clear this guy just wants attention and adoration.
He doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, he wants to make Tommy Feel Great Now – this is exactly who we DON’T want or need in politics.
So how did little Tommy Steyer make his money?
It didn’t hurt that his daddy graduated from Yale’s liberal elite law school at 21, helping Tommy start on 2nd base. After graduating from the Phillips Exeter Academy (arguably the most elite prep school in the world), Tommy followed in daddy’s footsteps by graduating from Yale (undergraduate) and then getting an MBA at Stanford (no elitism there [sarcasm]).
How did Tommy make his money? Here is one take on it from Axios:
Here’s something from Forbes that points out Steyer, Mr. Anti Fossil Fuel himself, actually makes money from his hedge fund that invested in fossil fuels. Remember that hypocrisy we pointed out?
Even the liberal New York Times points out that Steyer will have a hard time selling his outsider, anti-big money in politics stance:
– New York Times, “Tom Steyer Will Run for President and Plans to Spend $100 Million on His Bid”, June 9, 2019
Needless to say, Steyer would be horrible in the White House. So even for our liberal readers, take note this guy is bad news.
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Here’s the links we promised just in case you weren’t convinced Steyer = bad.
- https://coloradosun.com/2018/09/18/george-soros-tom-steyer-governor-race-jared-polis/
- https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/28/tom-steyer-colorado-2018-election/
- https://kdvr.com/2014/09/03/steyer-group-now-has-68-staffers-in-colorado-working-to-brand-gardner-a-troglodyte/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2014/11/05/what-did-tom-steyer-get-for-his-70-million
- https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2014/10/16-million-to-nextgen-climate-is-pocket-money-for-tom-steyer/
- https://publicintegrity.org/state-politics/how-billionaires-from-other-states-are-shaping-this-years-ballot-measures/
- https://gazette.com/opinion/columnists/guest-column-out-of-state-anti-fossil-fuel-money/article_f25a625c-c8be-11e8-a7f8-434e6092faa2.html
- https://freebeacon.com/politics/soros-steyer-and-democracy-alliance-work-to-retake-colorado/
- http://westernwire.net/steyer-doubles-down-on-democrats-in-colorado/
- https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/28/tom-steyer-colorado-2018-election/
- https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/26/us/politics/thomas-steyer-nextgen-climate-change-voters.html
- https://www.energyindepth.org/why-wont-steyer-say-if-he-is-funding-colorados-anti-fracking-campaign/
- https://www.energyindepth.org/anti-fracking-activism-game-millionaires-billionaires-tom-steyer/