Denver, CO – A recent article from CBS Denver brings up an important question. Is Governor Jared Polis blocking Coronavirus testing in Colorado?
Garnett and Neville say mass testing is needed so the state can move from a blanket “stay at home” order for everyone, which Neville says is likely unconstitutional, to quarantining only those who test positive. At least one private lab tells CBS4 that it notified state officials three weeks ago that it had CDC approval to process up to 1,300 tests a day, but that the state has been slow to bring them on board.
From: CBS Denver
THREE WEEKS AGO, a private lab with CDC approval, told the state they could process 1,300 tests per day.
Colorado has only tested 16,849 people as of this writing. 1,300 tests per day would be a massive increase in testing capacity for the state. Why has the state been slow to bring this lab on board?
Something doesn’t add up here.
If Democrats and Republicans at the Colorado State Legislature both agree that widespread testing is needed, who is holding up this process?
Polis is blaming President Donald Trump for the lack of testing availability in Colorado. It seems to us that if the CDC approved a lab that can test many more people than Colorado is currently testing, Polis should be doing everything in his power to make that happen.
Instead, he is holding press conferences where he plays the blame game for an hour at a time. Speaking of which, Polis is holding ANOTHER press conference at 12:45 P.M., today. We expect it will be to announce an extension of the statewide “Stay at Home” order until April 30th.
If Polis is indeed holding up higher testing capacity, the people deserve to know why. If it is because Polis wants everything to run through government testing facilities instead of private labs, Polis is failing as a leader when we need widespread testing for COVID-19.
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Why are hospitals refusing to test people and claiming they are short of tests? They are sending infected people home to infect others. Some are essential workers that are now out there traveling among the public and their families. How is that helping? #coronavirus #CoronaAlert
If this is true Polis should be charged.
It would be nice if we knew the name of the lab, so that someone could confront Gov. Polis about this??
The above article did not include the name of the private lab, but reiterated the lab did get CDC approval three weeks ago to process l,300 tests a day, but is still awaiting state approval. CBS article states “The governor says he has brought on private industry executives who have built companies to build a state testing network.” The governor said “mass testing is the best way.”
Meanwhile, in one month 39,000 people could have been tested while Colorado is waiting for the testing network! (assuming 7 days a week testing)
Polis is NOT doing anything to help colorado hospitals and healthcare people with ppe,masks, face SHIELDS etc.
There are several nurses on the frontline complaining to polis bbn on his fb page including myself. My daughter is a frontline nurse at the university of colorado hospital they are reusing masks and gowns cause our pos governor is doing NOTHING!!!!!