Impeachment: Hickenlooper Makes Another Mistake

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Montrose, CO – During a candidate forum in Montrose, former Governor John Hickenlooper waffled on his support for impeaching President Donald Trump.

The Colorado Democratic Party hosted the forum for Democratic Primary Candidates hoping to run against Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO).

The Colorado Sun caught Hickenlooper’s latest debacle on tape. It appears the failed presidential candidate did not want to answer the question.

Hickenlooper’s campaign team went into damage control on Twitter, claiming Hickenlooper does believe Trump committed impeachable offenses. But we can still chalk this up as another gaffe. Well, another gaffe when it comes to the radicalized Democrat base.

It appears Hickenlooper wants to play the “middle” in this situation. However, we are not sure that middle ground exists. The majority of voters we speak with are either a “yes” or a “no” when asked if they think President Trump should be impeached.

Hickenlooper joined impeachment inquiry supporters in May after a majority of presidential hopefuls voiced their support. Obviously, Hickenlooper wants to impeach President Trump, but also wants to play everything safe.

Hickenlooper always plays both sides. As Governor of Colorado, he painted himself as a moderate Democrat while pushing a radical left agenda. Hickenlooper supports gun confiscation. He supported massive tax increase Referendum C. Parents lost numerous parental rights under his administration. Hickenlooper even laid the framework to kill oil and gas in Colorado.

The truth is right there for voters to see. Hickenlooper is a socialist impersonating a moderate Democrat.

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4 thoughts on “Impeachment: Hickenlooper Makes Another Mistake

  1. The democrats still have no real CANDIDATE, I don’t believe Hickinpooper has his heart in it. And I also believe Colorado has had about all the Hickinpooper we can stand. Nice guy but so mono.

  2. Chickenpooper needs to go away no one in colorado nor anywhere else wants him, send him to mexico with the rest of the democrat party

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