Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker just signed into a law a requirement that all public school curriculum SHALL include gay history and contributions to society.
From the bill:
In public schools only, the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State
State of Illinois, HB 19-246 Language
We find it interesting that the education establishment resists mandates, both state and federal, except when it comes to their indoctrination issues. But ultra-liberal Illinois still hasn’t topped Colorado here…more on that later.
The Illinois bill goes on to, and we quote from Channel 9 Chicago:
The bill also states that all textbooks “authorized to be purchased must include the roles and contributions of all people protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act and must be non-discriminatory as to any of the characteristics under the Act.”
WGN9, August 12, 2019
Hmmm…We’re guessing there are a limited number of textbooks that have this information. We’re pontificating here, but we’re pretty sure these textbooks also portray our Founding Fathers and general American history in a negative light.
If you control the information, you can control your people.
Of course, Illinois can’t outdo Colorado. Colorado adopted a sexual indoctrination curriculum last legislative session, called Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education, AKA HB 19-1032. The sad thing here is it was bi-partisan. We’ve covered this indoctrination (HERE), (HERE), (HERE), (HERE), and (HERE), in case you’ve forgotten.
This is what we’re fighting against folks. We can fight back with our time, money, or by pulling our kids out of public schools. But ultimately, it is our responsibility as parents to make sure our kids don’t get brainwashed by the left.
Let’s make sure everyone is at the dinner table by 6:00.
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Good article but terrible to give ppl out by saying they don’t have time for issues like this. If conservatives don’t make time…. we’ll be in the worst form of communist country in history, eating ourselves alive. I say this with all due respect. I love your articles and information, keep it up please!