Denver, CO – A Hillary Clinton Victory Fund mega-donor dumped hundreds of thousands in an effort to buy GOP primaries in Colorado.
The Money Trail
That’s right, New York liberal Kathryn Murdoch contributed millions of dollars to a progressive centrist group called Unite America, where she serves on the board. She worked for the Clinton Climate Initiative for years, as well as other progressive groups. She even donated $88,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund.
Unite America then contributed $507,500 to Unite Colorado Election Fund, an independent expenditure committee. Unite Colorado Election Fund appears to have sent hundreds of thousands of those dollars to Coloradans For Constitutional Values, though reports will likely not reflect this contribution until June 15, 2020.
Coloradans for Constitutional Values is spending that money to oppose conservative Republicans and support liberal-leaning Republicans.
The registered agent for Unite Colorado Election Fund and Coloradans for Constitutional Values is Jeffrey Carson. A failed libertarian congressional candidate who supports abortion, Carson is the Senior Director of Operations and People at Unite America.
Obviously, Carson believes he can spend liberal dark money to fool Republicans into thinking Coloradans for Constitutional Values is a conservative group.
Hundreds of Thousands Spent Against Conservatives
So, how bad is it?
Well, in conservative districts hundreds of thousands of dollars in out-of-state money is funneling into races to help liberal-leaning Republicans.
$50,126 to Oppose Justin Everett (HD 22)
The $50,126 includes $4,830 in mail and a $45,296 television purchase. That is an outrageous amount of money to attack one of the most proven conservative Republicans to hold office in Colorado. Everett is primarying one of the legislatures more liberal-leaning Republicans, Representative Colin Larson.
Unlike the other candidates, no money was reportedly spent on Larson, though this could change quickly.
$13,116 to Oppose Grady Nouis (HD 48)
The $13,116 spent against Grady Nouis was mostly in direct-mail. Nouis is endorsed by Young Americans for Liberty and Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and is considered by many as the more conservative candidate running for Colorado House District 48.
$79,085 to Support Tonya Van Beber (HD 48)
Nouis’ opponent Tonya Van Beber switched from Unaffiliated to Republican two years ago and is seen as the moderate choice in one of the heaviest Republican-leaning districts in the state. Coloradans For Constitutional Values spent $6,558 on mail, $55,750 in television advertising, and a whopping $16,777 in digital advertising.
$20,730 to Oppose Patricia Miller (HD 63)
Miller is another former elected official who decided to jump back in the ring. While holding office, she was known for her strong conservative stance on all the key issues. Yet, Coloradans For Constitutional Values spent $6,910 each on three separate mailings opposing her.
$79,356 to Support Dan Woog (HD 63)
Out-of-state liberal money bought $55,750 in television advertising, $16,696 in digital advertising, and $6,910 in mail supporting Dan Woog. We can only assume this makes Woog the de facto moderate to liberal Republican in the primary.
So, if you get any mail or see an advertisement from Coloradans for Constitutional Values, remember, they are a liberal-funded dark money group. Their funders have ties to the Clinton Foundation, tax increases, dangerous voting reforms, property rights for illegal aliens, and more.
(We are still digging through the senate races and will have updates soon.)
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Tanya Van Beber is a conservative. A qualified , intelligent , strong woman. Pro life, not pro choice like steve humphrey falsely accused. She teaches original history and about the constitution. An America-loving woman with spine!
Then why are the dems funding her? Priola is a fine conservative too. smdh
Hi Joan! I am not falsely accusing. I am relaying what I was told by an individual I trust who has a family and a life and does not want to be attacked. I don’t doubt that she is a good teacher, or that she is intelligent and strong. She just isn’t the right candidate for HD48 and the money trail proves that quite convincingly.
Hi Joan! I am not falsely accusing. I am relaying what I was told by an individual I trust who has a family and a life and does not want to be attacked. I don’t doubt that she is a good teacher, or that she is intelligent and strong. She just isn’t the right candidate for HD48 and the money trail proves that quite convincingly.
We could slow down this money buys speech nonsense by forcing all political donations to be cut in half or even more, and the majority goes to a general charity fund every charity out there can tap into and take a small portion of. Want to buy this election for 100k? That will be $200k payable immediately and a portion of your expenditure will go directly to charities whom may oppose your views. Or make this kind of excess expenditure illegal and cap the spending. Politics is one of the grandest wastes of time and energy ever invented.
According to the original rules for representatives in this country, there should be many more representatives in place, based on total populace and not limited to a set figure of reps like there is today. The reason this system is not functioning and regular people can not have their voice heard, is the population has increased substantially, but the volume of our representatives has been frozen in time. Yet another dirty play from the history books snuck through. It would be much harder to use money to influence speech and elections this way if there were more representatives, as originally modeled by the founding fathers, and regular citizens could reach them too.
The apportionment act of 1911.
My votes for conservatives won’t cost the GOP a penny because you couldn’t pay me to vote for a democrat!
This is fake news by a fake news source.