Howard Dean, Former Dem Presidential Candidate, Former Vermont Governor (What’s up with Vermont, Bernie, and this guy?) and Former Democratic National Committee Chairman took to Twitter over the weekend to call Americans terrorists. Yeah, we just can’t make this stuff up, and notice how we had to put “Former” before everything – maybe he should shut up to keep his jobs…
Exhibit A, a screenshot of his Twitter post obtained by one of our writers here (they claim to have no idea why Howard Dean was in their Twitter feed):

Dean claims these peacefully assembled (albeit armed – we can’t really see any firearms in the picture) citizens, who are exercising their 1st Amendment rights by protesting the huge left turn of their state, are terrorists. Remember how Colorado swung left in the first half of the year? Exercising your rights now means you’re a terrorist (unless you’re a terrorist on the left, then you’re A-OK!).
Let’s just burn the Bill of Rights like Howard Dean probably did with his draft card in the 1960s. Readers, we’ve written about a lot of crazy things from the left, but this is getting ridiculous. This is exactly why we need the 1st Amendment and all of the Constitution, to defend against the tyranny from the left and those who will control us.
The best form of protest is to share our article and exercise your 1st Amendment rights. Let’s call out these clowns, and let’s take our country back.
Oregon, we are with you!
Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write about. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@COCitizenPress)!
Poised to happen here in Colorado, we have moved so far left this state now resembles California.