Denver, CO – The Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (POST) released policy guidelines for the confiscation of firearms under Colorado’s new Red Flag law. More details are available from The Colorado Sun.
Governor Jared Polis signed the firearm confiscation legislation into law in 2019, and it is set to take effect on January 1, 2020. That means petitioned judges can order the seizure of citizen’s firearms with no due process in less than one month.
There is growing concern that the guidelines released by POST are missing a very important detail. The policy does not state how officers serving an order to seize law-abiding citizen’s firearms should handle a situation where the alleged gun owner does not comply. The policy is not a requirement, but a guide for law enforcement to implement the seizure of firearms.
The orders will target individuals potentially undergoing a mental health crisis. As such, these situations will likely be unpredictable and could rapidly become dangerous. It is anyone’s guess how officers and individuals will respond to non-compliance.
Estimates put the expected number of Red Flag gun confiscation orders well over 100 in the first year. Every single one of these unconstitutional seizures will be dangerous for everyone involved.
Simply put, Red Flag gun confiscation orders will put many officers and civilians at serious risk.
Officers and civilians alike opposed the Red Flag law for this very reason. Unfortunately, Colorado’s Democrat-controlled government does not care about the dangers. Democrats created a “legal” method for the unconstitutional confiscation of firearms, and that is all that matters to them.
Get ready, Colorado. When January 2020 arrives, there is no telling what will happen with the new Red Flag law.
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My suggestion would be for one or more of the democratic legislators that enacted this unconstitutional law be the first to knock on the door saying, “Hello. I’m from the government; I’m here to help you. Give me your guns!”
With law enforcement officers safely in the distance as a back up.
US Code says that laws that do not comport with the Constitution are invalid and do not have to be obeyed. The US Constitution is LAW. “Shall not be infringed.” All government entities are PROHIBITED by several Amendments (which are also LAW) from disarming individuals who have not committed a crime. When law becomes tyranny, resistance becomes duty.
It’s disappointing when media post a question the write an article the covers everything that we all know but gives NO answer. You just wasted the time of everyone who read your article.
My thoughts exactly.
Perhaps the Democrats need to understand that the spirit of 1776 still lives and beats within the hearts of true American Patriots. The spirit of rebellion still lives, and We the People do not want to go quietly into that dark night of subjugation. What God has given you (freedom) must not be given up to reduce yourselves to slavery again.