Killing a responsible industry
This morning, House Democrats voted 36-28 to kill the oil and gas industry in Colorado. With Governor Jared Polis in support, SB19-181 will soon become law.
Remember back in November when the people of Colorado rejected the setbacks intended to drive oil and gas companies from Colorado? So do voters, but Democrats just don’t give a damn.
Colorado’s oil and gas industry is one of the cleanest, and most well regulated in the world.
Yet, the tyrants in control of our government at every level continue to chip away at Colorado’s greatest economic producer.
For example, Polis already took a shot at the industry, using an executive order to adopt California’s vehicle emission standards. Just one more step in the agenda to force oil and gas from the state and make reliable products more expensive.
Unsurprisingly, voters across the state are mobilizing recalls in response.
One of the most high profile recall efforts focusses on Rochelle Galindo, D-Weld.
The freshman socialist already accrued a number of bad votes, including a vote in support of a loophole that protects pedophiles.
Despite that vote, her support of this industry killing law may be even worse in the eyes of her constituents.
You see, Weld County, the district Galindo represents, is the top producer of oil and gas in the state. Meaning Galindo’s district will be disproportionately affected by SB19-181, and voters are understandably furious.
Galindo in a statement on her Facebook page claims, “jobs will not be in jeopardy in our community.”
But reality does not support her claim. Because of the new permitting process created by the bill, industry experts say there will likely be no new
No new production means companies will go elsewhere, and at the very least the industry will hit a major wall. At worst, thousands of jobs will be gone, sending hundreds of Colorado families packing.
Galindo’s statement will quickly be proven false.
Galindo goes on to argue for the importance of local control, but her own County Commissioner holds a starkly different opinion.
According to the Denver Channel, Weld County Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer had this to say, “Make no mistake, this bill is not about local control — it is about total control.”
And Kirkmeyer is right, ‘local control’ is simply a guise used to mask the Democrats’ true motive. To kill oil and gas and force Colorado into an unsustainable race for unreliable energy at taxpayer expense.
But how are Democrats going to fund all the necessary subsidies for their push towards ‘clean’ energy after they cut off one of their biggest tax streams?
By circumventing the Taxpayer Bill of Rights with taxes disguised as ‘fees,’ of course!
This emboldened and tyrannical Democrat party continues to hide behind lies and misrepresentations. Passing legislation to indoctrinate our children on the finer points of gay sex, create illegal taxes, confiscate our guns, and shut down small businesses.
Next, we will likely see legislation to make abortions legal until birth. Dems like Galindo will just lie again, and claim killing unborn babies is not murder.
With more and more dangerous, unconstitutional, and outright disgusting legislation in the works, we are sure to see more recalls.

These people need to be thrown as far out of office as possible.What does the law of the land say about these illegal bills. What are the penalties for passing them!!!
Supreme Court has written in many cases throughout the years that citizens are not obligated to obey unconstitutional laws just because someone wrote words on paper doesn’t make them automatically constitutional therefore null & void. Government officials can be sued personally for infringing upon the rights of citizens though they don’t want you to know this because you might do it.
I was going to ask if it’s possible for the citizens of a State to sue the State, like a class action suit, for breach of contract or some such, if they go ahead and impose legislation the voters already said NO to at the ballot box, and get that legislation nullified.
Get them out! The people’s vote doesn’t count anymore to dems! We have a constitution for crying out loud!!!!
I am so sick of the changes in Colorado and most at the hands of Polis
Can’t wait till he’s voted out. This is just a small example of Denver controlling Colorado when the majority of the state does not agree. It will be the same if they decide to do this with the electoral college.
This is why it is important to vote.
IF this does succeed it will be the end of Colorado as we know it. Denver metro has already gone crap with all the Libtards….. economy will collapse and Jerry Polis will be know as THE worst politician in history for single handed destroying the economy of on state not mention the impact on surrounding states.
Voting is straight down the party line which means recalls will spin this back to the side of reason rather easily it’s just a matter of going through the process. Democrats blew their wad instantly out of the gate shooting wildly from the hip and it will come back to wipe them out entirely. Colorado is not a blue state it is red. Be sure to sign the recall petitions!