Denver, CO – House Democrats snuck the forced vaccination bill through committee on Sunday, despite thousands of protesters and many people testifying in opposition.
Senate Bill 163 creates a one-size-fits-all exemption form for vaccines with a database for exemptions, forces schools to collect and publish data on student vaccination rates, and requires medical professionals to sign off on exemptions.
The bill is sponsored by Representative Kyle Mullica (D-Adams) and Senators Kevin Priola (R-Adams) and Julie Gonzales (D-Denver). Unfortunately, Priola’s support gives a false impression that this is a bipartisan bill.
This anti-liberty bill gives the state more control over families and their freedom to make medical decisions.
The House Committee on Health & Insurance limited the debate, allowing only 90 minutes of testimony from each side. This is not in the spirit of committee hearings, which are intended for the people to weigh in on legislation.
However, Democrats in control of the committee rushed the hearing with an abuse of power that limited testimony.
Previous reports stated the bill would not come back up when the legislature resumed after the break for COVID-19. Obviously, Democrats lied to Coloradans (again) about their intentions.
Polis announced his support for this anti-liberty bill before the legislature closed, and Polis shut down the entire state with executive orders.
Lawmakers need to balance the budget and boost our economy by reducing crippling regulations and letting Coloradans go back to work.
Instead, they are rushing oppressive laws that infringe on personal liberties through the legislature.
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Why the HELL can’t the Democrats do anything without having to “sneak” their way through? It only proves that they’re dishonest and can’t be trusted!!
Why the hell does the Repiblican press use the word “sneak” about only Democrats?
No one tries to “sneak” more seriously crooked and long term damage to the country than (right now) Trump, Barr and McConnell?
This bill also gives authority to change school immunization requirements to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) taking away the ability of the people to have a voice in the future. If you don’t want an over bloated vaccine schedule for your child just to attend school, then you have 4 days left to help fight this bill!
To Whom it may concern.
My heart,
And its what I truly, its had always felt, I cannot just say, and do then nothing. This i write, its closest to my heart as I had always.
As words our nations forefathers.
That we must continue to go forward with great trifle, that as society. And that whom stands for its passion of human condition, I felt; who I am, that no greater honor to upholding of its service owed to the People.
And to all its Citizens, respectively.
Firstly, One cannot change the world in one day. But if remains, if you remember. If seen something of interest or liked. Or see a post, feel free to comment. Change it comes from those who truly wish to make a difference. Ignorance? Come from people who complain; but do nothing to contribute. Please Share. The knowledge with others, its not one, but by all the People will these amiable rights be upheld; that is responsibility of this to make appropriately. The US Constitution of these guarantees. Again respectively, to all those in favor of us willingness to defend these said liberties. What has arisen from such conflicts, that in deed, I do write of what is felt so heavily, that it weighs on my heart. I can’t just stand by to say nothing, but will do everything to preserve it, these said rights, still and always, it respectively, this is to be, and by the People.
Public moral,
And if you start each of your ever day, Always say, thank you. Even if disagree? Thank you; and its how you can make the difference, but yet, it always stays with you, Always.
Very Truly,
Robert Lane Aiassa.
You should not mandate anyone to get vaccinated. I truley believe it causes life long problems and I believe that with my whole being, So no matter what I will not get vaccinated that’s all I will move to a different state before I do. Another point is they give a newborn infant a Hepatitis B Vaccine why that is a disease you only can get from dirty needles from drug use or sex. It isn’t necessary for a infant for sure. Wake up you will not poison me or my children. My body my responsibility I take vitamins and haven’t been sick in years.
In 1972, when Cinderella City Mall flooded, the “elected officials” sneaked through a property tax increase to fund a drainage project. It took years to get that reversed, but finally worked its way through the court system. We escaped Colorado shortly after that, and it looks like the “Colorado political system” has not changed at all. It’s not “democracy” when a few people decide for the masses. Much like the Democratic process in Washington. We know what’s best for you, so shut up and keep sending us your tax dollars…. VOTE THEM ALL OUT !!!!!
My body, my choice! My child, my choice. This is not a democracy when government wants to dictate to us what we must do with our bodies. Everyone has a right to know that this is being pushed through secretively. Everyone has a right to do their own research and make their own choices.
Maybe, ya all might do a reality check.. 1. both parties / wings are on the same satanic evil bird. they produce nothing but lies / chaos / confusion /distraction and division. force toxic vaccinations is a NWO method of control, just as contact tracing, covid-19 hoax, defund police to bring in UN peacekeepers, every act / false flag event / every law, is about making the rich – richer, controlling the sheeple / people / the herd. Protesters / riots / looters / idiots that burn down their neighborhood. WHY, Has the years of dumping toxic chemicals ( chem trails) and the new 5g radiation that boils the oxygen out of the blood. has it finally made the desire effects on dumbing down society.. REALITY IS NWO / AGENDA 21/30. WAKE UP -CIVILIZATION IS IMPLODING. DEPOPULATION IS REAL.. The rulers / leaders / controllers of this planet are 100% pedo reptilian globalist zionist freaks of nature. ( THEY EAT YOUR CHILDREN) They sacrifice your child to their god of money / power /fame. Sooo, ya all just might take yer head out of yer ass, and enjoy yourself- it’s later than you think.