If you’ve been paying attention, the Democrat Party is no longer the left-of-center party. In fact, they have arguably become more of the socialist party. We’ve seen the rise of socialists like Bernie Sanders, who was at one time an outlier. But now we see socialism being embraced by other presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren and others.
So, if you’re in San Francisco (the 2nd most liberal city in America, only 2nd to Boulder), and you’re speaking to Democrats, you probably want to choose your words carefully when it comes to socialism.
Apparently, the former socialist governor of Colorado is trying to rewrite his story. So he goes to San Francisco to denounce something we think he embraced: socialism. Well, guess what the response was to his new position on the whole socialism thing. No, really, click on this link and watch the video, seeing is believing.
Know your audience, John-boy. Your party is no longer left-of-center, they are socialists!
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