Apparently, the anointing of John Hickenlooper as the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate isn’t going as smoothly as elitist establishment Democrats planned.
Hickenlooper, who entered the race last week, got the endorsement of the National Democratic Senatorial Committee. This is the large national organization that supports Democratic U.S. Senate Candidates to the tune of tens of millions. He also picked up the endorsement of Senators Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris who, unlike Hickenlooper, are still running for President.
Rightfully so, this really angered the women (at least 6 of the 7) running for the Dem U.S. Senate Nomination here in Colorado. Now, here at The Colorado Citizen Press, we don’t play gender or race politics, because we realize that we are ALL Americans. However, when we see an opportunity to point out the Dem hypocrisy on issues, we gladly expose it.
So, here’s that opportunity. Democrats who like to play on race and gender politics to point out alleged inequalities (mainly by design to divide and conquer) never seem to practice what they preach. There are plenty of reasonably qualified candidates not named Hickenlooper in the U.S. Senate race. Yes, they may be wrong on all of the issues, but these women have MBAs, are Doctors or have Doctorates, and have been successful in life.
But what Democrats say, is not what they usually practice. They have no interest in nominating a woman, even though we hear about this again being the Year of the Woman. We have to hear about how conservatives hate women. We don’t, we just want them to be empowered without government, and government not to be a blockade to success.
For example, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren pays her male staffers higher salaries. Of course, lefty apologist website Snopes tried to refute this, but in doing so, it shows that men still held the top jobs – meaning they earned higher wages. Her whole office is a glass ceiling extravaganza.
We find it incredibly dishonest that Dems claim to champion women. It’s just not the case. The question is, will enough women realize this in 2020 and vote for the party that consistently hoodwinks them, or will they vote for liberty, freedom, and economic prosperity.
Stay tuned, and please share!
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