So, David Hogg who was a student at Stoneman Douglas High School during the tragedy turned anti-gun activist, got into Harvard. No surprise there, he fits the liberal narrative of these elitist Ivy League schools. We’ve written about David Hogg before, and he flat-out lies and makes outlandish comments all the time.
We’ve also authored an article on how lefty Harvard has become, to the point where they eat their own. Well, Harvard eats everybody…as long as they’re free-range, fair-trade and humanely raised.
We know when liberals say and do stupid things, they are quickly forgiven. However, if you’re conservative it’s a totally different story. Let’s look at the case of Hogg’s classmate Kyle Kashuv. Kashuv went on a different path from Hogg after the Stoneman Douglas tragedy – using some common sense (in this instance) he realized that kids are sitting ducks in these Gun Free Zones (criminal friendly zones), and took action. Kashuv is what we call a pro-gun/2nd Amendment activist. Now if you’re a liberal reading this, your head is probably exploding – the indoctrination didn’t work on this kid!
So what happens when a young person goes in a more conservative direction publicly? Yeah – chaos, ridicule, threats, and a concerted effort to ruin his life. That’s what is happening to Kashuv. Now the press is claiming these are self-inflicted wounds, but we’ll let you decide for yourself. We even linked the article from liberal NPR, and we still think it’s fishy.
So NPR talks about posts published by the ultra-liberal political arm of the left – the Huffington Post. If you read the article, they talk about the mafia tactics that his High School friends used to get Kashuv to back off his activism. He was an activist for Turning Point USA, and anything loosely supporting President Trump is a no-no in liberal elitist America. We believe the tactic used by his “friends” is called “blackmail” which is illegal, but he’s conservative so he doesn’t count.
Now, if Kashuv did say some anti-Semitic and racist things, we DON’T condone that. But what’s curious is Kashuv is Jewish, and they are claiming he made some pretty inflammatory remarks about his fellow jews – it sounds a little suspect.
So, are these grounds to rescind admission – sure Harvard is a private university. But does Kashuv have a cause of action here, due to the speech police discriminating against him…well maybe.
We also think Kashuv was given bad advice, and we’re linking another article here, that has his Twitter apology. He was probably told to fess up and everything would be alright (didn’t matter if this was true just fess up) and he would be ok with Harvard. Yeah, this was a trap – now he’s being vilified by the left.
Hard lesson learned for a teenager. A hard lesson and another warning for anyone who is conservative. But this is why we fight and will take our country back!
Anyone still want to send their kids to Harvard? Not us!
Please share!
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