our national bird, and now it’s what’s for dinner!
Canon City, CO – We have much for which to give thanks, and much of what we give thanks for, comes from you, our readers. You have helped grow our little news website into a “go-to” for conservatives. Liberals read our website as well, and you deserve a little credit by helping us reach your faithful. We appreciate the dialogue.
Aside from a quick Wiki Lesson on the History of Thanksgiving (yes libs, there is a religious significance), we’re going to recommend two articles to you that cut to some issues you should know about; plus, something to remember at Thanksgiving.
The first article is from John Stossel. You know, that guy who was a left-wing media darling, who discovered conservative (maybe more Libertarian) ideas. Stossel talks about how socialist practices almost killed the pilgrims. In fact, it was Capitalism and the recognition of private property that more or less saved the pilgrims, and maybe our nation. Please have some of the snowflakes at your dinner table feast on that one!
Let’s talk turkey. The second article really hit home with us, both literally and figuratively. The article takes direct aim at all of the snowflakes out there who don’t think they can handle a family conversation about politics. It cuts right to the issue that families can disagree, but family is more important than your political philosophy.
The second article also takes aim at a lot of the left groups posting articles on how to handle conservative family members, the need for safe spaces in the home, and how some websites want their liberal armies to try to manipulate the political narrative and sway family members to the left. The author is clearly frustrated, even pointing out that this may be her father’s last Thanksgiving.
Family matters, so let’s remember that this Thanksgiving.
Again, we here at the Citizen Press are truly thankful for our readers. We appreciate you sharing our articles, and your comments on our website and social media. We will continue to get the conservative word out as long as you are on board.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Please share!
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