Denver, CO – Progressive groups are already calling for a tax hike to bail out Governor Jared Polis after he destroyed the economy with job-killing executive orders.
Lawmakers face a $3.3 billion budget shortfall when they return to the legislature on May 26, 2020.
Socialist groups, unions, and illegal immigrant activist groups all signed the letter.
The letter calls for Polis and lawmakers to pass a tax increase, among other things, to prevent unnecessary and costly programs from being cut.
Related Articles:
Polis Spent $1.6 Billion of Federal Coronavirus Aid by Executive Order
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Budget Shortfall: Start by Cutting the Governor’s Plane
Make no mistake, the budget shortfall caused by Polis’ executive orders is an excuse for progressives to raise taxes.
It will also further calls to eliminate the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR), a major goal for liberals in Colorado. TABOR protects taxpayers by requiring citizens to vote on all tax increases. It is Coloradans’ strongest check on government power.
Ultimately, a tax increase will only further strain Coloradan’s and their families.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs to Polis’ executive orders. Many businesses are shut down permanently. Many more are at risk.
You can bet a tax increase that takes money out of Coloradan’s pockets is not welcome, especially after tax increases on the 2019 ballot failed miserably.
The bottom line, this is a tax hike to bail out Polis. It will not force the government to curb spending, and it will not help Coloradans.
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Bail out Polis— hell no. Never. Lets all join Unite against Polis. Too damn bad. He won’t open Colorado, so he can just suck it up. He thinks he is so smart. Like the caption read when he first got in. Since I have been elected????? I bought the election. I have brought Colorado to its knees. I wanted all the guns in your possession, I got rid of the Gas and Oil Companies and I got rid of the Due Process and I am going to wish all of you had not voted me in. Well who the hell voted him in! Nobody I know of. You are the worst Governor besides Hickey we have ever had. We don’t intend to wait you out. We are going to Unite to get you out of office.
It would be nice to see federal funds pulled from Colorado for supporting sanctuary cities. It would be nice to see the government offices trim the fat, trim the budgets, tone down the welfare programs, spend and tax less, lay off some of the excess government employees. Live within your means like the rest of us. At the very least, all politicians should give at least half of their income back first. When the government working wage outpaces private industry, you’ve got a problem. They used to refer to that as taxation without representation.
The governor who thinks he is king has been taking his taxpayer paycheck while millions of Coloradans are unemployed, unable to pay their mortgage/rent/food, out of school, out of church, and losing their livelihood as he destroys their businesses. The man should be in prison for allocating the federal Covid-19 funding without legislative approval. Make sure to sign Jon Caldara’s petition measure (now being circulated) to LOWER the income tax for Coloradans. More details https://i2i.org/independence-institute-launches-tax-reduction-ballot-initiative/
If we have find ways to cut the budget, how about starting with cutting the law makers salaries?
nero does not care he/it has Colorado right where he wants us, he by miss management has been the architect of a short fall, demanding a tax increase, creating a task force to attack TABOR, the tax payer’s last protection to stop a money hungry liberal government from taxing us beyond any reasonable limit, TABOR was the greatest law to stop a massive government over reach to take from the hard working, tax paying real people of Colorado, while the liberal base pays little or not taxes, but receives the most benefits, while laughing at us who actually pay taxes, time to stop being used and abused. Remember this during this election cycles primaries to Nov. choose carefully
Due to executive orders out of the Governor’s office I have been unable to;
Comply with the motor vehicle law.
Care for my dogs ( I own a kennel that breeds working German Shepherds and rescues canines that would otherwise be put down do to breed).
Continue the music education of my children.
Have access to other services and goods essential to the operation and well being of my household and business.
I have also suffered a substantial loss of income, and an even larger increase in expenses to comply with those orders.
As far as I am concerned if the government office was closed and services were not otherwise provided that office should remain closed permanently just like all those other nonessential businesses that have been ruined. That should go a long way to trimming that budget shortfall.
Where can Coloradoan persons go besides blogs, to detail their imposed hardships?
The doctors, dentists, and public education system don’t care about our problems.
They told us very clearly; wear a mask and pretend you’re a hypochondriac or be denied all services for you and your children. I’d imagine they’ll take my drivers license away before too long for the same reasons.
So now I can not even get disability or food stamps or unemployment, because I refuse to wear the mask. Tyranny is like that, it’s self fulfilling. We are going to be forced to take tremendous losses to move out of Colorado and find a new home. It’s looking like there will be no other choice. In other states, people are not dealing with this kind of government imposed discrimination.
Do not bail him.
HAS ANYONE noticed that since Polis has been in office your stash property taxes have almost doubled?
I used to pay $2,300 taxes and now they are $4,300
Polis is just a thief he wants your money he wants to play Robin Hood take your money and give it to illegal border crossers