Ignacio, CO – A grocery store in Ignacio, Colorado is supporting individual freedom over Governor Jared Polis’ mask mandate. Now they are facing legal threats.
Farmers Fresh Market is facing legal threats for failing to require customers and employees to wear masks.
According to the Pine River Times, these are the enforcement measures multiple La Plata County agencies are considering:
– Farmers Fresh could be ordered to close.
– Its food handling and licensing permits could be revoked.
– Its record of noncompliance could be used against the company during the license renewal process.
– It could receive a citation or summons to appear in court on criminal violations/misdemeanor charges.
– Its business license could be suspended.
The letter was signed by San Juan Basin Public Health, La Plata County, the city of Ignacio, and the district attorney.
Farmers Fresh Manager Amos Lee says the “narrative [of requiring businesses to enforce mask mandates] needs to be challenged.”
“As it pertains to Farmers Fresh, it’s all about the enforcement. Why do I have to enforce this? When did I become the mask police?” Lee said.
From the Pine River Times
We cannot agree more.
The fact that employees are being forced to insist that people wear masks in their stores is not in their job description (unless the business itself requires them to enforce an in-store policy).
As far as a statewide mask mandate goes, it is unreasonable to expect employees of businesses to enforce these mandates.
Lee said he sees about 50 percent of people wearing masks. This demonstrates how polarizing the mask mandate is and why employees and businesses should not be enforcing the likely unlawful mandate.
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It is not Farmer’s Fresh job to enforce any mandate. Especially one that is restrictive and oppressive.
Good For Farmers Fresh Market for standing up to BULLY Polis. Sue him in court for violating civil liberties.
Wonderful to see a store owner give push back to the king Polis’ unlawful edicts. We have been putting up with this virus panic nonsense since March. The figures peaked in APRIL and have been going down since. Cases rose when more testing was done, many of those people had few or no symptoms. As of now less than 3 out of 100 are testing positive, and deaths (from or with Covid 19?) and hospitalizations have stabilized. Polis and his health department thugs are using useless face diapers to promote fear and to force citizens to submit to his power and control. He thinks this will lead to a Biden victory in November. I think he is going to find out the exact opposite.
According to CDC figures on the 19th of this month, the death rate is around 0.031.
Now why are the sheeple still cowering over this?
If only more business owners would develop a backbone, this kind of harassment wouldn’t be happening, or if it was, grounds for one hell of a class-action suit against the state and Polis in particular.
if the store owner tells the local government thugs he will be following the guide lines as stated by the Surgeon General of the United States, and none of the so called health department ever list what those guide line are, actually all of the health dept. just do the polis, showing they are complicit in destroying the economy as is the intent of all of the elected liberal/socialist for political reasons. What may be the hard part if finding the interviews given by the Surgeon General that has not been edited by the so called media. The in person interviews I saw were 16 weeks ago when this grab your ankles started, the interviews were conducted by Dr. Oz, the information was straight forward, honest and common sense. A quick run down of what was said is , if sick or if you think you are sick stay home, if after 3 days if not getting any better call your medical provider for advise, if you need some things call and ask family and or friends to drop those items off. If you need to go out wear a “medical mask” to catch the vapor you expel as you breath which contains any virus you might have, finding a medical mask may be a problem. Those who do not think they are sick, need to decide for them selves if they want to wear a mask, understanding most mask will do nothing, and will contribute to respiratory problems, and make you sick, be careful, avoid big crowds if possible, be considerate of others, once the public has done this for 2 weeks , people can decide if they need to continue. The best things for people is fresh air and sunlight. The elderly and those with chronic breathing problems need to be more cautious especially if living in a elderly care facility where every thing is too confined, and susceptible to every virus. Now most consider the CDC as a bureaucratic agency that has lost it intended purpose decades ago , is over run with self promoting bureaucrats of little or no value wasting tax dollars while enjoying the perk at others expense, the CDC has too many close ties with china, and has given them millions of our tax dollars for no reason, the agency needs to be purged, and re-established as originally intended
My understanding of the mandate is that anyone with a health condition does not have to wear one. Per the ADA, a business is not allowed to ask what that health condition may be. So as far as I can tell, there really is no way any business can enforce this mask requirement without breaking a law somewhere.
Kudos to Farmers Fresh for standing up for reason. Now sue the governor, and any “authorities” that would try an ruin your business for respecting existing pre-mask-mandate laws.
This is fantastic. Keep up the good fight. I pray you have the fortitude to see this through. They will be comin after this store and it’s owners, hard. I pray you get many more customers to support your efforts. God bless you all.