Weeks after former Representative Rochelle Galindo announced she was stepping down from her seat due to “troubling allegations” the Greeley Police have charged Galindo for providing alcohol to a minor and released their report into the incident.
On multiple occasions, Galindo was reported to have provided drugs and alcohol to a female teenager on her campaign staff before engaging in sexual acts with said female.
In the police report, the minor stated: “I blacked out, so I don’t know if I was asleep or if I was just blacked out.”

While reports differ from various media outlets it seems apparent that the 19-year-old victim felt like she had not and was in no condition to give consent to Galindo’s sexual acts.
The victim was under the impression (Galindo and the Democrats) would ruin her political career if she came forward, which delayed her reporting on the incident(s).
According to the report, Galindo repeatedly referred to her victim as “Monica Lewinsky,” joking about the power-dynamic she held over her young employee.
It should be noted, however, for reasons that one could only speculate, the victim decided not to move forward with charges. But we’ll speculate here – the power brokers in the party that allegedly care about victims, really don’t care about victims when one of their own is on the hot seat. The Democrats need this problematic story to just go away.
The police report insinuates that the victim felt Galindo could no longer do harm after stepping down from office. Of course, it does not surprise us that an accused sexual predator would vote to protect pedophiles while in office.
While it is unfortunate that Galindo will not face trial to determine her punishment for these actions, she isn’t off the hook yet.
Last week, a second accuser came forward with supposedly similar charges.
To our knowledge, there has yet to be any documents related to the second accuser, but we will keep you informed as we get updates.
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