Denver, CO – According to his staff, Governor Jared Polis is planning to extend his statewide mask mandate by executive order.
The order is set to expire this weekend, but Polis is not done telling you how to live your life.
No executive order is issued at this time. We will cover the executive order extending the mask mandate and any amendments when it is released to the public.
In the meantime, remember that in the People’s Republic of Colorado, you must do whatever king Polis says.
You can view the original order requiring people in Colorado to wear a mask, here.
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He is using this as a political ploy
There is no scientific evidence supporting the order. It’s nothing more than attempt to see “How much Tyranny the people of Colorado will tolerate.” Polis needs brought up on charges of misuse of power.
If you like your Mask then keep it on. If you like someone dictating your behavior, vote Democrat.
I’m sick to death of his executive orders … let us ADULTS make our own choices.
PLEASE people, if you care at all about Colorado you must get rid of this jerk!
He needs to go. He has brought Colorado to its knees and he is in bed with Hickelopper so why does he not think that we are going to start to get past this mandate stuff. Now he sounds like Obama. You will do what I tell you to do. No Polis we are getting tired of being shut down and shut out. You can mandate all you want. You can’t eat us. You can’t put the entire Western Slope in Jail. You have to come to some agreement with us and give us hope that this thing is going to be over with pretty soon. You said a few weeks, now you want to extend it until the First of the Year. Your nothing but a over sized over achiever who thinks that we need to be treated like children. We are not Children we have followed what you ask so far. We are getting damn tired of bending over backwards for someone who hates Colorado. Why the hell don’t you resign and get out of Colorado., We are sick and tired of you,. You have to start by telling us how many people have the Virus and where they live. WE don’t want their names, we just want an accurate account. Your not God and you have no right to make us continue to wear these masks until you think we will be obedient. Shape up or get out.
Not sure how many other Coloradans are doing this but they need to REFUSE TO COMPLY to the governor who imagines himself to be king. With the exception of a hair cut appointment, I have been shopping mask free before and now with the mask mandate. Have only had one person ask me where my mask was and I replied, “medical exemption.” Colorado statistics for Covid 19 are rapidly showing herd immunity is progressing with less than 3 people out of hundred testing positive and deaths/hospitalizations for it stabilized or decreasing. It has nothing to do with wearing a face diaper. But sadly there are a lot of sheeple here in Colorado who have bought into the panic/fear porn perpetuated by fake news media.
I NEVER have and NEVER will wear a mask! I also enjoy going to eat at one of my favorite restaurants where they no this is nonsense and aren’t going along with it…it’s so refreshing to be around people who are sane and aren’t sheep.
Even though I am on oxygen 24/7 and it’s clear to all that I fall under mask exemption, I’ve been refused entry into stores.
Virus deaths and death rate are the most important number not how many “test positive”.
Pueblo County pop 165,000 has suffered 34 Corona Virus deaths all but 1 elderly with co-morbidities and > half in nursing homes. Overall death rate Pueblo Cty about 34/165,000
= 2 hundredths of 1% or .0002.
Overall deaths USA for 1918 flu about 675,000 from population 105 million.
1918 death rate 675,000/105,000,000 = .00643 ie about 32 times today’s Pueblo County deathrate.
1918 flu focused upon young adults instead of elderly.
Many old photos show mask wearing then but apparently was not much help.
Let private businesses decidis horrible! horrible!
This jack-booted Governor and his thugs, Weiser and Griswold, have systematically sought total control of the citizens of Colorado and to possibly do any and every thing possible to influence the voting outcome of this years’ Presidential election.
There should be a recall of all 3 of these people immediately.
How many people died today ????????????????????????????????????