Denver, CO – Yesterday, Governor Jared Polis announced the “Stay at Home” order for Colorado that went into effect at 6:00 A.M. this morning.
You can read the full order here. The shutdown lasts through April 11. Stay tuned, as we will cover the order in more detail soon!
Polis spoke at a bizarre, rambling press conference for a little less than an hour and answered a few questions. More on this today, also!
The statewide “Stay at Home” order came tagged with the absurd #DoingMyPartCO hashtag. Of course, this just looks like a lame PR stunt.
Polis tweeted this pretty graphic that somebody on the taxpayer’s dime must have cooked up.
His followup tweet also came with a pretty graphic illustrating Polis’ belief that he alone can decide what an “essential business” is in Colorado.
Essentially, Polis is #DoingHisPart to play god over the lives and livelihoods of Coloradans.
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Part of me understands this mandate and part of me bristles at this executive order as it really is against the Bill of Rights. I know this though, this will be the only time I obey an order like this, the next time I would be joining a rebellion as I feel it would be due to some authoritarian Bull sh*t reason.
All you are doing is spreading the tyrant and chief’s lies and stories, more backbone, he doesn’t deserve! Polis is doing what he feels is right for his citizens.. While Don the Con spreads and tell lies and false information every time he opens his mouth! This is a health emergency, not a usual trump circus act! He is a giant stain on our nation and around the world! Says he wants respect or ignore the governor’s and peoples needs if their not nice to him? What psycho says that about his citizens? I say..#Voteblue like your rights depend on it!
#TrumpforPrison2020 #republicancronies #indictandremovetrumpnow he is a dander to the very fabric of our country! Shame on you for pushing his lies, xenophobia, bigotry