Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis must be feeling the heat from the Coloradans he put out of work. So, instead of doing his job, he is trying to play Coloradans for fools.
Polis is looking for cover from anywhere he can find it. Polis is blaming President Donald Trump, using Mayor Michael Hancock and the unelected Tri-county Health Department as patsies, and even blaming YOU.
Perhaps Polis is afraid he will be a one-term governor. Maybe he just cannot handle the heat he is taking for his authoritarian actions. Whatever the reason, he is seeking cover under every rock can find.
After shutting down most “non-essential” businesses in the state and blaming the citizens for not bending to his will, Polis has gone quiet.
Not my job
This is what Polis is doing instead of his job as Governor of Colorado.
He allowed Mayor Michael Hancock to confine citizens to their homes with a poorly written and definitely unconstitutional “Stay at Home” order. Now, he is allowing an unelected board of bureaucrats to imprison the remaining half of Colorado’s population to their homes.
Well, that or face up to $5,000 fines and 18 months in jail.
The Tri-county Board claims they are the ones to make the decision because Governor Jared Polis did not. Make no mistake, Polis wants to shut down the state, but he is looking for anyone else to blame for this abuse of power so he appears reasonable.
This is the type of slimy, underhanded, cover-based politics Polis likes to play.
So, don’t be surprised if Polis tries to play you. He will play the libertarian card, but it is only to KEEP YOU QUIET. Polis will give you just a little taste of freedom, but it is only to KEEP YOU QUIET.
When Polis hands down the next order, we may get to keep gun stores open, but there will still be four-day background checks. Everything Polis does to appease you or make himself look reasonable is JUST TO KEEP YOU QUIET.
Polis is a socialist politician who could give a rip about your freedoms and liberties. Before the COVID-19 crisis, Polis was polishing his pen to sign every bit of socialist legislation the Democrat-controlled Colorado State Legislature sent his way.
In fact, he quietly signed some of that legislation into law during the crisis!
Anyone in Colorado who falls under a “Stay at Home” order is receiving it through a Jared Polis proxy. Mark our words, this is only to give Polis cover for when he announces his own “Stay at Home” order.
Update: After posting this article, it has come to our attention Polis JUST NOW issued a “Stay at Home” order for Colorado. This is according to CBS Denver.
This is textbook politics for Jared Polis.
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I’ve really despised Polis from the very start of his political career. He’s been a radical left wing nutcase from day one. How he ever got elected is beyond me. He beat up a lady and because of that he changed his name to Polis, why are voters so ignorant and stupid?
He got elected for the mere fact that he’s homosexual. I refuse to believe that anyone in there right mind would vote for his policies. But then again the city of Denver is FULL of left wing nutcases.
We have to understand that those nutcases, also voted in all those left wing nutcases into the Colorado House and Senate. He has no resistance, so he can do whatever he wants. And yes, they are so good at always blaming others. Has there been anyone saying, that the Governor’s are to blame, because they didn’t do their job, in building up medical supplies and respirators in their States.
With due respect, you’re just NOW realizing this?? Its been the People’s Republic of Colorado for quite some time- and you know what? We only have ourselves to blame.
We all thought it was funny seeing all those California WACKOS moving here after destroying their own state, bringing their warped values and CANCEROUS politics with them.
We need to institute polygraph tests on any candidate who runs for office. The candidates for LEO’ S have to undergo poly testing, why not political candidates also? They are the ones who make the laws, and God knows there have been enough of them who had reason to fear them. Romer and Ms. Thornberry adultery is illegal in Colorado. We need aclean government that represents the people. Otherwise we are stuck with a sick , snake oil salesman like the pickle smoocher governor.
This has come to pass because the Democrats moved a butt load of people in from California and New York to turn this State from Red to Blue. They got it to purple and a leftist leaning swing vote State. Polis should’ve never seen the inside of the Governor’s Office, but the Dummycrats got him elected because he’s a White Owl smoker and so liberal that facts don’t matter to his dumb ass. We’ got to get him out in the next election which means getting out the vote.
Many people from Boulder are former Californians and are used to dictatorship. They feel comfortable and at home when someone is taking care of life for them. Polis evolved from that environment.
It seems to me that if Polis had focused on the virus issue early on instead of his fixation on eliminating the death penalty and telling Colorado Voters that our votes no longer count, we’d all be better off. He’s certainly not my Governor and now like a number of other natives I know,I’m embarrassed to admit it.
Apperently, speaking ones mind will run you afoul of “The Moderators”. Wonder if they’re conservative at all……
Polis is definitely a dictator he should not be in office he is very rude arrogant and just downright controlling,every time he talks he sounds like he’s threatening us and that he is ordering us and telling us what to do it’s it’s just pisses me off I’m not going to listen to some Nazi talk down to me and try to force people against our constitutional rights that we have I think we all need to stand against that dumbass. Every time I listen to this person I think what the hell is he doing being the governor he’s a basket case, a dictator, drama queen it’s just terrifying.can we take him to court and sue him for coming against us and our constitutional rights!!!!!