Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis banned large public gatherings on Wednesday, April 15, 2020. This is likely in response to planned protests of his “Stay at Home” order.
According to The Colorado Sun:
He [Polis] said large public gatherings will be banned until further notice, and bars and restaurants won’t operate as they used to when they begin to reopen.
The Colorado Sun
Polis went on to say that life will not return to normal once his economically destructive “Stay at Home” order is lifted. Instead, his government will continue to control people’s movements.
“Coronavirus [tyranny] is going to be part of our lives,” he said. “We’re going to have to live with it.”
Jared Polis, From: The Colorado Sun
Polis is telling you when you can leave your home and when you can work. Apparently, because people plan to protest these draconian orders, Polis banned large public gatherings.
This ban does not come with a clear executive order from the Governor.
The punishment for violating this ban is likely up to a year in county jail and up to a $1,000 fine under the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Public Health Orders.
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They are letting go non-violent criminals from prison. Imagine if 50,000 – 100,000 people show up at the capitol to protest? What then? These oligarchs are going to be in a pretty funky situation soon.. America is based on FREEDOM – We will be coming to take that back SOON.
Protesting peacefully is our right. I will not be silenced. I am American
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Where the people fear the government there is tyranny.
And gotta ask, does this mean Colorado is going to secede from the Union so he doesn’t have to obey the Constitution?
Vote him out in November!
I’m pretty sure he has until 2022.
Actually his term is 7 looooong years, if he isn’t recalled first.
America – Wake up!!!
The radical left is upon us with vengeance and fury! Those who will exchange our freedoms for their own power, money and the mockery of what we hold sacred, have swept in from the dark alleyways of tyranny and now hold position to control our lives. Their radical agenda is being pushed forward and condoned by a sick and complicit media. Together, they are brain washing a vast segment of our population into thinking that what is happening today is good and is the natural course of the evolution of our country. Most assuredly – It is not! Do not allow their moral degradation to become your moral capitulation.
Our ideals of freedom and self determination that have stood the test of time and which have made us great as both a people and a nation are being swept away and cast into the sea with total disregard. Our freedoms, our opportunities to succeed and the very foundation that these are based on are being eroded away as this tsunami of leftist deceit floods over the land. Seek the high ground and stand united against this wave of destruction!
Those that push these agendas of tyranny are petty and pathetic. They are frightened by those that will not follow them blindly. They are a pustule on the fair face of freedom. Do not be fooled by their utterance of false compassion nor the promises of a utopian society vomited from the mouths of those that lie for a living. Know that political correctness is a fabricated narrative of deceit supporting a religion of darkness and tyranny. There can be no compromise on liberty. Allow them nothing!
We must not permit the deception of the left to incrementally change our belief in the core values of freedom, self-determination and self-reliance. If we concede to them, we are doomed to rations from an empty table and deserve the certain destruction and misery that shall follow. The models of the left are all failed models. They have no success stories. One only has to look at all of the failed cities, states and nations that have adopted the ideology and policies that they promote and pursue.
Let our Constitution and our right to freedom be degraded by the whim of the day from those possessing no wisdom and our nation will flow into the quicksand of chaos – and America is finished. America will become nothing more than a sad reminder of what was and what could have been. The left is content to follow a failed, broken path for their brief, narcissistic moment in the sun, but there should be no doubt that they are not prepared for the darkness that will surely follow.
We must, instead, illuminate our world with the fire that burns within ourselves and direct its radiance outward to light our path and guide our way. Our fire is fueled by the renewable energy of success and our path is constructed on the solid foundation of freedom, self-direction and truth. It is our path that will take us into a future defined by liberty, prosperity and true compassion.
A Patriot knows that the indisputable constant our nation of diversity can rally around is our Constitution and Bill of Rights. These are the shining beacons of light that guided the oppressed and downtrodden to our great land to seek a better life. These are the fundamental pillars of stability that support the inalienable freedoms to express, to choose, to defend. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights allow us to live peaceably with our differences, give strength to the concept that we are all indeed created equal, shelter us from tyranny and allow us to live our lives as we see fit!
Is this not the most exceptional model of government that has ever occurred in the history of mankind? It must so remain!
Where are those who stand firm in their belief of freedom? Where are those who will stand up and oppose this madness of the globalist left? Where are the Patriots?
Patriots all, it is time to rise up and let the thunder of our voices drown out this deceptive speak from those who would establish tyranny. Let the brilliance of our actions eradicate their darkness. No longer do we have the luxury of sitting in our soft chairs, hoping that others will fix the problem. No longer will this self-resolve on another day. No longer is it someone else’s fight. Consequences have arrived on our doorstep.
If you choose not to fight because you do not feel comfortable doing so, then you shall not ever feel comfort again. If you choose not to fight because you are fearful, then fear has won and you shall be forever frightened. If you choose not to fight because you may obtain personal gain from this tyranny, then you are damned. If you choose not to fight, then you are complicit in these crimes against freedom and will be sentenced to a life of remorse and obligation to others. You must fight or America dies!
Care not about the rocks thrown on your path by those who wield shields of deceit and who, with sharp tongues slash your ideals and beliefs. Rally instead to the cheers of your fellow Patriots and march forward in boots made with souls of truth and resolve! It is time to rise up and fight back!
Fight! Fight now! Fight with strength and courage! Fight with your ballot. Fight with your pen. Fight with your discourse of truth to the ignorant. Carry the fight down the paths that our Constitution has established. It was created with the wisdom for just such a time. Rise up and be what you believe! Charge forward with the passion for freedom as your flag held high and let those, who would strip down the fundamental principals of the greatest nation on earth, know that they shall not be allowed to do so!!!