Of course, they have no intention of fixing it.
This article specifically deals with the misreporting of gun violence in schools.
The US Education Department issued a report on school shootings saying that 240 happened in 2015-16. This is important because this is a statistic that gun grabbers use to try to take our guns. However, NPR (Yes NPR!) discovered that of the 240 incidents, they could only confirm 11, yes 11.
Obviously, this should be corrected and reported. At least sensationalized by the media like all school incidents…Nope…The Department of Education, according to the article, responded: “But, officials added, the department has no plans to republish the existing publication.”
That’s great and not surprising. An abundance of school shootings fits the narrative to push a big gun grab and spending our money on added security measures in schools. However, these statistics are simply a lie – the reactions are overblown and a lie as well.
Apparently, the truth doesn’t matter anymore. But if you’re a liberal or a bureaucrat you don’t care about the truth, you make it up as you go along. Everytown – Michael Bloomberg’s vehicle for gun grabbing uses these statistics all the time to push or kill legislation.
Lies are leading to our freedoms being taken away, and we can’t sit by idly and let that happen!
Elections matter, time to get to work.
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First of all thee gist of this article is not gun control it is “LIES”.
The entire country has been lied to for so many years by federal and state politicians,
It’s become the norm.
We all need to take a step back and start. Listening to each other.
There are good and bad ideas on both sides. Somewhere in the middle hopefully
Less or perhaps we will never talk about school shottings again.