Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis’ “Safer at Home” order means many Colorado businesses are still closed for Phase 2 if deemed “non-essential.”
Thousands of Coloradans rallied across Colorado on Sunday in opposition to Polis’ job-killing shutdown orders.
At this point, it looks like Polis does not care what you think.
If you believe your business is “essential” and Polis does not, then tough luck, because he is in charge of you. You are not responsible enough to practice CDC suggested social distancing without mandates and restrictions from Polis.
Phase 2
Phase 2 of the Colorado lockdown is coming on April 27, 2020. Polis calls it “Safer at Home” to make it sound less like a continuation of his tyrannical rule over the livelihoods of Coloradans.
It changes very little about the current “Stay at Home” order. It also will not get Coloradans back to work.
Restaurants and bars will remain closed with pickup orders only. Gyms and spas will remain closed.
Retail businesses are not allowed to open but can begin curbside delivery. This is something that should have been allowed during the duration of the “Stay at Home” order like it was in other states. Fewer Coloradans would need unemployment benefits if that were the case.
Offices are only allowed to bring back 50% of their workforce, and not until May 4, 2020. If these office employees were not able to work from home, not all office employees will be able to return to work.
No gatherings over ten people are allowed.
These restrictions will not get Colorado’s economy back on track. There is also no clear end date for these barely relaxed restrictions. They might drag on for months if Polis decides that is best for jobless Coloradans.
Ultimately, this is not a reopening of Colorado businesses. It is a crackdown on how they can operate (if they can operate), and there is no end in sight.
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Any business that wants to reopen should be allowed to open. Citizens can make their own choices as to whether to visit the businesses or stay home. We are not a police state.
You are spot on Bonnie, and churches need to do the same as well.
October 31, 2019, Wuhan wins race to become first 5G city, December 1, 2019, Flu vax becomes mandatory! Three weeks later Corona Pandemic starts!
How is it that this uber fuerer of a governor has any legitimacy mandating house arrest for the state in the name of preventing disease? By the Gods, he thinks it’s OK to be buggered by another man. Quarantine him,
This piece of crap ,worthless politician needs to be recalled ASAP!!!!
King Polis needs to continue to hear the voices of We The People who are fed up with his tyranny. Now his Health Dept. is going back in time to find reclassify people who died and saying they died from Covid-19 (no positive test, just “assumption”). This will increase the death stats so he can shut the state down longer. A day or so ago the deaths were around 500 and 64% were from assisted living and nursing homes. PLEASE plan to attend one of the upcoming end the lock down rallies in the next couple weekends.
An executive order is NOT law. It is an administrative directive. No one has to comply. If no one complies, how will they be able to enforce it.
I agree and fully advocate “non-compliance”.
They can’t arrest everyone…..(or can they???).
Trouble is so far too many businesses and churches have cowered in fear because of retaliation, fines, etc. In our county a courageous small shop owner stayed open (he said if the weed stores can stay open so can his). A week later the Health Department shut him down. Our local outdoor shooting range re-opened after President Trump issued the directive they were essential. The local Health Dept. gestapo shut them down too. But if EVERY business were to open I do believe you are correct.
Open churches to worship and people to go back to work. Follow example of Sweden and South Dakota.
I hope the idiots that put Poleless in office will see what they have done and suffer the most through all of this. Maybe they will see the light and not put this insufferable, power hungry tyrant back in office. One thing about this virus farce, it has shown the true colors of the demoncraps. They are not for the people they are suppose to serve. They are only serving themselves.
Take some time and watch this interview as two doctors speak about Corvid-19 and our response, it is super! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfLVxx_lBLU&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop