Denver, CO — Colorado Governor Jared Polis extended COVID-19 restrictions for another month with executive order D 2020-154.
The order extends the so-called “Protect Our Neighbors” order to September 6, 2020. A more accurate name for the order is “Business-killing Restrictions.”
The order means businesses will continue operating at only 50 percent. It also keeps businesses such as bars shut down entirely if they do not also serve food.
Counties and municipalities are required to submit plans to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to operate under the order. The CDPHE is run by unelected bureaucrats.
Excessive Restrictions
These excessive restrictions are crushing businesses that have not been able to operate close to full capacity for months. Recent reports show that the number of businesses failing is on the rise. In contrast, new business filings are decreasing.
The majority of Colorado is coping well with the COVID-19 pandemic, and Polis’ decision to continue punishing businesses does not fit the data.
Yes, we want to keep our high-risk populations safe. However, that must be balanced with businesses, jobs, and the overall economy in mind.
Businesses in many states are operating at close to, if not normal, capacity. These states are not requiring masks or limiting alcohol consumption after 10 P.M.
Yet, somehow, the COVID-19 statistics in other states look no worse than Colorado’s. States such as Missouri have plenty of ICU and hospital capacity for future COVID-19 patients. Missouri, which has both a larger population and a higher population density than Colorado, features fewer deaths.
There are 1,307 deaths in Missouri for 59,954 confirmed cases. In Colorado, there are 1,736 deaths for 50,660 confirmed cases.
While it is not necessarily that simple, data from other states suggest Colorado’s restrictions are unnecessarily restrictive. If Polis’ restrictions are causing significant harm to the economy while producing relatively negligible results, they are excessive.
Perhaps it is time for Polis to end statewide restrictions and give up the power he assumed over the people. Our guess is that counties and local governments will be happy to self-regulate and provide guidance to help keep people in their jurisdictions safe.
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Local governments self regulating would be fine except in Pueblo county I can’t even get a return call if I can even leave a message. In most cases the calls go unanswered.
Of course Polis extends it, he likes being a tyrant. He will never willingly give it up, even though he is making us CA junior.
No surprise. It is no longer about the virus (if it ever was). It is about the election on November 3rd.
What is happening with the various lawsuits that have been filed against king Polis’ unlawful edicts?
“Perhaps it is time for Polis to end statewide restrictions and give up the power he assumed over the people. ”
Perhaps? Perhaps?!!!!
And how about this:
He needs to be stopped he’s not God !
Colorado bending over for Polis, And he thinks it’s FABULOUS…
Because everyone in Colorado knows what a healthy lifestyle he leads…