Gov. Polis and the Colorado Legislature Lied About Local Control

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Weld County tested the new oil and gas regulations and was rebuffed by the State.

The burning topic of oil and gas highlighted in the recall attempt (and resignation) of a Weld County State Representative, and one that we’ve covered extensively, is playing out just as we predicted.

The Democrats in the 2019 Colorado Legislative Session took aim at the oil and gas industry, changing the make-up of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Anti-oil and gas representatives now run the commission with increased power. Of course, the spin by Democrats was the trade-off to give communities more local control (a patchwork of regulations is usually a bad thing).

Well, guess what?! Local control was as farce, and no one here is surprised. We all knew the Democrats sought to heavily regulate oil and gas after Proposition 112 failed 2 to 1 in the 2018 Election. Since when do Democrats care about the will of the voters (who clearly sent a message of “Don’t Mess With Oil and Gas”)?

Weld County

Well, Weld County, our number one oil and gas producing county in Colorado, decided to test the waters on this whole “local control” concept. Of course, they were rebuffed by the State.

Weld County tried to set their own rules regarding where companies can drill. This warranted a letter from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Here is an excerpt:

“While SB 19-181 provides local governments with siting authority over oil and gas surface locations, it does not diminish the COGCC’s authority to regulate the orderly development of oil and gas throughout the state,” reads the letter, written by Colorado Senior Assistant Attorney General Kyle Davenport. “To the contrary, SB19-181 reaffirms the critical role for the COGCC in numerous places.”

Joe Rubino, The Denver Post, July 23, 2019

Hmmmm…Yeah, it sounds like double-speak to us. Yes, you have local control; however, you really don’t. Did anyone else read that differently?

To add insult to injury, more regulations are coming down the pike for oil and gas from the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment.

We also reported on all of the enviro-wackos that our Boulder-based Governor, Jared Polis, sneakily appointed to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission back in May.

If you thought oil and gas, and the jobs associated with it were safe in Colorado, you were misled or sorely mistaken. But, the blame for those lies solely falls on the politicians elected to represent Coloradans.

Elections matter and we need to take back Colorado soon!

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2 thoughts on “Gov. Polis and the Colorado Legislature Lied About Local Control

  1. And some of us are not surprised by the lies. Told by politions. And it’s go8ng to get a lot worse, taxses and fees of all kinds and types. Hold on boys and girls. Only ourselves to blame.Thank you very much.

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