Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis appears to be gearing up more for more lockdown hysteria as the state is reporting an increase in positive COVID-19 cases.
What Governor Polis won’t tell you is that hospitalization rates and death rates have been nearly flat since the beginning of summer.
According to Governor Polis’ press conference, the state is modeling a drastic spike in the hospitalization rate, but the model itself makes little to no sense.
The state is projecting that each person who becomes sick with COVID-19 will infect roughly 1.5 more people. The state used this projection to create a trend line for hospitalizations — seemingly ignoring all other factors and variables.

Death rates are even flatter, showing almost no difference in trend, with daily numbers coming nowhere close to what they were in March. Still, Governor Polis continues his fearmongering rhetoric.
Governor Polis has already issued nearly 200 executive orders using his emergency powers to tackle the pandemic. These include the statewide mask order, stay-at-home order, and business shutdowns. Governor Polis appears to be ready to go back for more.
What is next on the political agenda for Governor Polis? Will he shut schools back down? How about businesses?
Maybe his next order of business is to impose a statewide mask order for outdoors as well, such as Denver Mayor Michael Hancock did last week.
With the holidays and the election around the corner, it is reasonable to question what impact Governor Polis’ policies will have.
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Increased my ass!
What a complete moron. People are wearing the masks and the cases continue to rise. Focus on the recovery and decline in death rate you worthless POS. You are doing more destruction then the virus. Wake up America!
We need to vote this dumbass out of the office sue his ass for trying to control us and get rid of this piece of s***
It’s how the socialist useful idiots and the communists are holding the economy and society hostage.
The left is very well funded and very well organized as is this their agenda.
As long as people continue to go along with this soft form of medical martial law they will continue to incrementally ratchet their agenda up on the gullible sheeple. It is also a global agenda. Australia, France, and Ireland and going martial law among many other countries.
The bottom line is though as long as people willfully submit they will keep locking everything down more and more that’s the agenda folks. They also want to force 1984 contact tracking on the people too. Make no mistake they are not stupid… those of whom are going along wearing masks submitting are the stupid people.
USC Title 18 Section 241 & 242 Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law.
14 amendment section 3 is a self executing provision that when any elected official under oath to uphold the constitution, makes war against the constitution, engages in seditious acts in violation of their oath, they automatically vacate their office.
He’s no longer governor, remove this fraud and place him under arrest and in a cage where he belongs. Enforce constitutional law. Also the separation of powers have been ignored giving Polis unlimited power that he does not have.
From “only 2 weeks to flatten the curve” to a “dark winter” and now the “great reset”.
They’re communist using this as a way to further communism under the guise of a public health emergency folks.
Masks are for tyrants and useful idiots. Time to say NO more folks.