Yup, Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is making conservatives pull their hair out again. You know that Justice Roberts that said Obamacare was constitutional. We may just write a whole article on Roberts’ failures on the Supreme Court. However, this article is about the US Census.
Yes, that census, the one whose job is to collect a whole bunch of data on you for the government, and determines how we allocate congressional districts nationally.
The issue here is the Trump Administration wanted a simple, common sense question on the 2020 Census: “Are you an American Citizen?”
Of course, the usual suspects sued the administration, because why would we want to know how many people are here in this country who aren’t citizens. Yeah, this is something we SHOULD know.
But this issue is even more devious. Population controls what states and areas get more or less congressional districts, and further determines where they are placed. If you’re not an American Citizen, then you logically shouldn’t be counted towards congressional districts.
By allowing these people to be counted it will skew representation. For example, areas with high non-citizen populations may get an additional congressional district. If we wanted to stereotype here, these districts probably don’t lean conservative.
The end result is that the liberals will get more representation in Congress. Guess being an American doesn’t count anymore in America.
Color us angry, and you should be too…
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