Over the weekend, Facebook group Recall Colorado highlighted a post from recall-target Representative Rochelle Galindo.
Galindo’s post reads, “Finishing up knocking doors and talking to REAL people in HD50! These voters are seeing through the hate and lies being led by corporate interests with this recall effort. I have continued to stand up for my community and they will continue to have my back!”

She’s a common Democrat that believes anyone who doesn’t support her and her socialist policies are not “real” people – they’re deplorable.
She thinks the recall efforts against her are driven by “hate” because she’s a woman, a Latina-American, and lesbian.
In typical Democrat form, she likes to deal out the race card to save her from
Democrats like Galindo love to virtue signal against intolerance, but they are in fact the most intolerant people. If you don’t agree with them, then you’re not even “real.”
Voter: We’re recalling you because of your support for gun control, forced sexual indoctrination of our children in school without our permission, forcing the oil and gas energy out of our state, forfeiting Colorado’s vote in a Presidential election, and supporting sanctuary policies for criminal illegal aliens.
Galindo: How dare you attack me? You must be a bigot and a racist!.
But of course, her view of people that don’t support her big government, anti-business, radically-left agenda, are not “real” constituents.
Rochelle, let us make it clear why we are recalling you. You and your socialist ideology are poisonous to Colorado and our individual liberty.
This is not about lifestyle. It’s not about anything but the issues and your voting record.
You are contributing to the destruction of our economy. And despite your cries of victimhood, you actively engage in bigotry towards people with traditional Christian values, gun owners, business owners and supporters of the Constitution.
This is not about identity politics; this is about what’s good for Colorado. And what is good for Colorado is for you to enjoy a long and early retirement from Colorado politics.
You already have your socialist utopia in California, we’ll gladly throw together a crowdfunding effort to help you get there.

This way of thinking that this person seems
To think is right is killing our state. Frankly
I do not want to see people lose their homes or businesses because we have shut out
Growth in our state. I do not want my child
To have to sit thru classes on sexuality that
Are in conflict with my believes and I do not
Want to see our cities become a haven for
Drugs, homeless, and illegal aliens that our
Working tax payers have to support! And
Why on earth would I be happy to live in a
State where my vote on the most important
Office in the land means nothing because
The huge population areas have more people
And the politicians can promise them anything
It looks dopey just like Polis. Is there a pill for that?
It looks dopey just like Polis. Is there a pill for that?