Denver, CO – You can watch 9NEWS without Kyle Clark from June 22, 2020 until June 29, 2020! The liberally biased news anchor is on furlough for one week.
Before you get too excited, this is a mandatory one week furlough that all 9NEWS employees will be subject to, according to Westword.
Apparently, the television station is facing a drop in revenue from advertising spots.
Considering their biased coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic and Clark’s incessant defense of Governor Jared Polis’ harmful response, Clark and 9NEWS might deserve the pay cut.
After all, Clark did attempt to liken protests to reopen Colorado to terrorism and Republicans and activists to hate crimes.
Related Articles:
- Kyle Clark Admits to Using Platform as 9News ‘Reporter’ to Meddle in Elections
- Kyle Clark Takes a Question for Gov. Polis Out of Context to Attack GOP
- Kyle Clark is Spiraling Out of Control
- Kyle Clark Should Take Himself Off the Air for Partisan Reporting
If we’re honest, we have little interest in watching the liberally biased outlet, with or without Clark.
We also doubt this will change Clark’s big-government agenda either. But hey, at least nobody will have to hear Clark spout off like a smug know-it-all for the next week.
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I don’t watch or listen to any of the mainstream press, so won’t know the difference.
Oh for the dream……if his departure could only be permanent. But then again, he’d just be replaced by a like minded leftist idiot.
One person commented:
“The best way to get 9 news to wake up is by not buying from any business that advertises on their Lefttist station and let the advertisers know!”
I don’t know what businesses advertise on 9News because I don’t watch Commie Channel 9 at all.
I like Kyle Clark. Reporters should not offer their opinion, just report the news, accurately and without bias. Why can’t these stations remain neutral? We watch 9 news everyday at 5pm and I don’t recall Kyle making any bias remarks.
If you’re still tuning in, and pumping the fear based ratings, you’re part of the problem and not the solution. Normal returns when people learn that everything you see on mainstream syndicated media is certifiable fake news, learn to turn the idiot box off. These organizations are corporate mouthpieces, nothing more, nothing less.
Around this house, we have a 1 a day commercial advertisement limit. You should try it. A great way to live. Sheeple.
I’ve often thought that Kyle Clark was pushing HIS agenda to hopefully land a spot on
CNN OR MSNBC (which is where he belongs). He has no personality & we change channels
when he is broadcasting.
I like Kyle Clark! I enjoy his reporting and his show Next, He has an Eastern sense of humor ( which is dry) I think he is from the New York area. Colorado has to get over being so anti-everything, Keep reporting Kyle, and I do believe you someday will end up on a Major Network. like Kevin Corke with Fox News. I m not a liberal Coloradan, just an old Republican from the Mid-West.