Ryan Call’s Condemnation
Former Colorado GOP chairman Ryan Call was recently quoted in stark opposition to the recall effort that just popped up in House District 37 against Rep. Tom Sullivan (D-Arapahoe).
Call, who apparently does not believe the blatant overreach committed by Democrats this legislative session constitutes a recall of legislators had this to say.

This is not the first time Call opposed recalls either. Back in 2013 when the grassroots began recalls, Call (who was the Republican GOP chairman at the time) condemned the efforts.
Now Call is entitled to his opinion, but maybe there is a reason he is no longer (and was in fact ousted) as the leader of the Colorado Republican Party.
Grassroots Republicans from every corner of the state support recall efforts to remove our socialist overlords from office. You can check comments on just about any of our posts to confirm for yourself. Republicans are fed up, and the grassroots are mobilizing.

Setting aside the fact that Call’s opinion goes against the grain of grassroots sentiment in Colorado, let’s consider something else.
A Rebuke of Republican Voters?
Call makes the claim Sullivan committed no malfeasance while in office. We would argue there is no greater wrongdoing by a public official than breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Sullivan’s Red Flag bill violates multiple Amendments to the Constitution. And that is just one example.
We imagine thousands of Sullivan’s constituents, who denied former Rep. Cole Wist reelection after he sponsored Red Flag legislation, would agree Sullivan is in violation of his oath as well.
Call’s condemnation of the recall effort against Sullivan is a double slap to the face of anybody who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His statement is an insult to grassroots Republicans who are only doing what they deem necessary to keep Colorado from turning into a socialist hell-scape in the next 30 years.
Why is the washed-up, former GOP chairman who still holds the keys to the fundraising platform for the GOP (for reasons that we and others cannot exactly fathom) sewing decent into the Republican party? Does he actually believe Democrats have not committed condemnable overreach?
Call’s moment of fame is already helping left-wing beholden media outlets drag a well-intentioned recall effort through the mud. And for what gain other than to pump up his own ego?
Maybe the time has come for Call to stop talking to the press?
It is certainly time for Call to stop offending the frustrated Republican base (who he basically works for as it is his responsibility to head fundraising for the party) and take a back-seat where he belongs.
So tell us again how we went from a Red to Purple to OMG Blue.
He is the Former GOP Chair?
I see how this has happened.
How do you say RHINO?
Recall, recall, recall.
Back in 2013 he did nothing but condemn & belittle the recall movement. When we were successful he showed up at the celebration & did photo ops with the press like he actually did something. The time has come for Call to switch over to a Democrat, he supports those polices & took the Colorado GOP down a dark spiral while he was Chairman.
Ask Mr. Call who I am and what he tried to do to me.