Denver, CO — Denver takes pride in the fact that it is a sanctuary city. A sanctuary city is a city with policies that protect illegal immigrants who are already criminals and may have committed additional crime(s).
We covered this issue in a January 20, 2020 article. At that time, Denver had merely ignored subpoenas from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Plus, Denver released the criminals ICE had sought to deport.
Well, there is an update. ICE sued in Federal Court to get Denver to follow the law. Illegal aliens have more protections than actual American Citizens do. Here is an excerpt from the Denver Post:
According to ICE, all four men have been deported multiple times. One of the men from Mexico was arrested in Denver for sexual assault, another for vehicular homicide and a third for child abuse and strangulation assault. The Honduran man was arrested on domestic violence charges…Three of the men have been released from the jail, and one was still being held. Denver jail officials notified ICE before the three were released. But there was not enough time for ICE agents to get to the jail before they were freed, according to the ICE court filing.
Coleen Slevin, Associated Press, February 10, 2020
Sanctuary cities and illegal aliens continue to cost taxpayers extra money.
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I think all Sanctuaries cities need to be stopped and the people who are involved in them charged along with the people who committed the crimes and had anything to do with the release of these criminal illegal aliens!!! When they allow these people to go free and put the American people in danger, they are committing a criminal act. There are NO if’s, and’s or but’s about it, it is a rock-solid fact!!!
All illegal immigrants should be deported, but especially illegal immigrants that have committed crimes. They have broken our laws by crossing our border illegally. That is a crime itself. Why should they get more protection than our own citizens?
Denver is a city that can and does pick and choose which laws they wish to enforce. Illegal immigration is not one of them. It appears Denver voters approve of this policy as they continue to re-elect politicians who agree with their “Let’m all in” agenda.
IMO the only way to stop sanctuary cities is to cut off ALL Federal funds. Far to many of our elected officials in BOTH political parties were more than willing to sell their soul and their country for money, power and votes. America is going to pay a VERY high price for their actions.