Colorado Springs, CO – Last week, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners voted to require personal information to dine-in at restaurants.
On Thursday, May 14, 2020, the El Paso County Commissioners voted in favor of a plan to reopen restaurants in the county. The plan only goes into effect if it is approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE).
However, the plan has major privacy issues.
At least one adult per group is required to provide their name and phone number.
Here is the real kicker…
If taken, records of table assignments, seating and departure times for all groups dining in must be kept for at least 21 days, then destroyed. This information will be provided to the county health department if requested.
From KKTV 11
So, if the county health department thinks it needs these records, they will have your personal information.
Considering Governor Jared Polis is tracking cell phone data, we would not be surprised if he wants this information, as well.
On top of these privacy issues, if two people contract COVID-19 within two weeks and it is traced back to the restaurant, the restaurant is shut down. The restaurant can only open again with the permission of the health department.
El Paso County Commissioners did not vote to give freedom back to restaurant owners. They voted for socialist policies that allow the government to track citizens and keep restaurants closed.
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you got your facts TOTALLY wrong. They voted to allow restaurants to DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES if they wanted to ask for the information for contact tracing. This is irresponsible reporting. We listened to their conference. shame on you!
“- Facilities are highly encouraged to take reservations by phone or electronically. Walk-in reservations will be accepted if records of patrons and their contact information are kept. Pagers and/or phone calls must be used to alert people their table is ready. Congregating in waiting areas is prohibited.
– One adult per group must provide their name and phone number in case of the need for an epidemiological investigation.
– If taken, records of table assignments, seating and departure times for all groups dining in must be kept for at least 21 days, then destroyed. This information will be provided to the county health department if requested..”
Anything else you need help with Diane?…
Yeah, there is one other detail:
“And most importantly:
– If two or more people get COVID-19 within a two-week period, the restaurant will have to close and will have to work with the health department to reopen.”
Doesn’t close down every other place where they may become infected.
Well done. Facts can be a cruel B^&*% at times.
Well said
I have a family relative who owns a restaurant in Colorado Springs. He specifically told me it was being required and because of that invasion of privacy he was not going to open up to inside dining.
Now our tax dollars will go to undercover restaurant customers working for the state, whos job will be to assure the proprietor is forcing people to relinquish their right to privacy in order to dine at that location. Owners will not be able to trust employees. Employees will not be able to trust customers. Customers will not be able to trust owners.
Old Geezer and others, may we please explore this line further: One adult per group must provide their name and phone number in case of the need for an epidemiological investigation
What is the exact requirement for that specifically? Is it now required to have an active phone line to eat at a restaurant? Those without addresses of their own are not allowed to dine in? Everyone could just fill out john doe or jared pollis with the government capitol address and contact number if they chose to do so. If there is not a penalty for falsifying that document, it would be a guideline or best practices advisement, and not a law? Please clarify. How exactly would a dine in restaurant manager be authorized to force a patron to show their ID or verify the data, especially if they were paying cash? Forgot my id, but I’m not having a drink.
One could imagine the laws which will need to be put in place to enforce such a thing. You’ll see identity and biometric scanners required at the door next. This is a very dangerous destination for government officials to walk towards.
Let the commissioners walk the walk. We want their daily movement and location history posted publicly online first. These reportedly benign records will not be temporary nor will they be disposed of, because inevitably someone will test positive, and all records will be swept up and examined. People test positive even if they have already gained immunity, but are still shedding the virus. A million people in Colorado probably already have naturally gained immunity but nobody is testing for antibodies. This diner paperwork gathering is going to be another costly government position, because they’ll have to manually enter all the hand filled paperwork, then analyze it, and audit the data for proper entry, re affirm results, and build a contact tracing web. That will turn out to be manpower burdensome so the solution will be a new law; id required to enter and you must scan it, or some other biometric, so movement data tracking would require less manpower and be more automated.
There is a bright side to this story. Someone actually mentioned pagers. I have been eagerly awaiting the day when people put their cell phones down. Are aware that the primary mechanism today for contact tracing is bluetooth capable devices? People may want to turn that function off of everything bluetooth capable they own, disassemble it, take the batteries out, or just leave the device at home. Your average bluetooth device may reach 50 yards or more, sending a lot of background data. That little alert you get that it activates within a few feet of your computer or car or another phone, that’s just something tailored to the user experience. If you have a bluetooth capable device, you are pinging everything on your block and your smart device is logging the relationship of the internet of things footprint, and the people associated with those other items.
This advanced technology has been tested and developed for decades, we’re finally seeing the roll out of this technology under the excuse of contagion testing. If you continue to be tied to a cell phone, you can kiss what’s left of your privacy good bye. In case you have not noticed, those new devices you’re seeing on poles and street lights and some restaurants, department stores, malls, the little box with a flat plate and an antenna, that is a sniffer device which purpose is to capture and log all devices capable of communicating with it. That means your cell, your bluetooth item, wifi, your car, anything ‘smart tech’. You don’t really believe they are going to rely on voluntary filled paperwork on actual paper to accomplish the heroic feat which is backtracing someones movement habits for contact tracing, do you?
Someone on that board is either a complete idiot in terms of constitutional rights, or has been paid off by the cellular industry, or both. Recall every single one of them over this egregious offensive stinky abhorrent offensive new rule. Or is it a law? Either way. These store owners are lining up to put themselves out of business by complying with this. Unless those willing stand up now and defy social distancing contagion madness, nobody will recover in this industry. Only the corporate chains will remain and all independent diners will be wiped out. Sounds like the kind of thing companies whom give to politicians would like to see. What a great way to corner the market, take another step towards cashless, fulfill IOT tracking development goals. None of the Pueblo people will see it coming.
You people seem to be fear-mongering yourselves at CCP (interesting coincidence there). I’m on the verge of unsubscribing since I feel nothing but contempt for anyone from “either side” who chooses to foment panic and anger by misrepresenting the facts.
Your feelings take a back seat to our liberties. Our speech does not end when you get offended.
Nobody makes you read, subscribe, or post. You choose to do so because you want to participate and be part of the solution somehow. We feel the same way. Except we don’t cry about feelings or presume we can effect other peoples affiliations or approaches to speech with; feelings.
When the going gets tough, the tough turn up the volume.
Worth noting is Washington’s far left governor Inslee has retracted his mandatory order forcing restaurant owners to take the names and information of customers. Even he knows he went too far and will be challenged legally. https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/inslee-retracts-requirement-that-diners-provide-contact-info-to-be-able-to-dine-at-restaurants/
Yeah, lawyers in this line of practice have no shortage of work. Check this out, coronavirus class action lists. Everything from gyms to airlines to government to and just everything, loosely organized, just read the blurbs, it’s a long list. Turns out everyone’s ‘favorite brands’ were not all that trust worthy after all.
talk about unconstitutional … I won’t bother eating (or shopping) anywhere they require my name … or want to take my temperature for that matter.
Good point Bev, but I would just make up a name and give the address of some local politician or the governor (if you have to give one). I figure a lot of Alfred E. Newman’s and Minnie Mouse are going to be on those lists.
We’ll see if you guys still have that conviction when it’s time to renew your drivers license, go to the dentist, or see your doctor. When you lose access to these services and school for your kids if you do not train them to live in fear. I have already been denied an array of necessary medical services even though I’m fully insured. Turned away at the door for refusing to put on a mask or pretend to live in fear and agree to having my temperature taken. Like what about people whom jog or ride bikes to their destinations and need to be in and out? What if I like to run it hot and wear extra clothing. What if I have a phobia of face masks and thermometers? What if I just don’t want somebody touching or examining me regardless of their supposed justification to do so? Discrimination based on private medical decisions is here. It’s been here for a while. As nobody stood up for parents whom did not want to vaccinate, now it’s your turn to have a taste of the discrimination, and the net just got a little bit bigger. Welcome to a taste of your own medicine land.
The final wording in Section 2C of the “Resolution adopting an Alternative Suppression Plan in support of a Variance Request under CDPHE Public Health Order 20-28 for a Limited Reopening of In-Person Dining at Restaurants” voted on and approved by the El Paso county commissioners on May 14, 2020, “Restaurants are encouraged to record and maintain the following information for each table seated for twenty-one (21) days: I. Name and phone number of one adult in the party, II. Table assignment, and III. Seating and departure times.”
Well done. Facts can be a cruel B^&*% at times.
My info is private, and shall stay that way. I, nor my “person”, have contract with STATE OF COLORADO inc or COUNTY OF EL PASO inc. Any commerce establishment requiring me to participate in the COVID false flag will not receive my commerce.
The BoCC voting 4-0 for this grieves me and makes me glad that I don’t have contract with any part of the COUNTY OF municipal corporation.
More “antisocial distancing” divides and conquers US.
Maybe they should target the areas where drug dealers and Prostitution is going on and collect information from them as well?
I have no problem with this. My wife and I will be glad to share our names and numbers
Holly Williams
Mark Waller
(719) 520-6412