Education Media Tries to Make Case for Forced Vaccinations

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Parents should make this decision, not the government….

Here’s an article from Chalkbeat that caught our eye after we wrote extensively about the forced vaccinations bill that was allegedly gutted at the end of the last legislative session.

This article (we believe) tries to make a case for forced vaccinations, implying that there is going to be an outbreak of disease. They attempt to shame schools that aren’t reporting vaccination rates, claiming that these are necessary so parents can be informed.

As it turns out, 24,000 students sought a personal or religious exemption (well their parents did) from vaccinations here in Colorado. That’s a little less than 3%, but after reading the article, you would think this is a crisis. The government-run schools and the author of the article can’t fathom that parents can make decisions for their children.

As it turns out, and this is what the article seems to focus on, there has been one reported and confirmed case of the measles in Colorado. The author cites other states where there is allegedly an epidemic because the Colorado cases are so low.

However, the author only cites 1,241 cases nationwide. Not clarifying if these are just children or if this statistic includes adults (we think it’s everyone). So out of 300 plus million people in the United States, there were 1,241 cases – that’s a minuscule number.

We also didn’t like that the author implies homeschoolers and charter schoolers are bad people at the end of the article. Specifically:

Pockets of unimmunized students can be found in plenty of Colorado schools, including charters with Montessori or Waldorf-inspired curriculums, district-run enrichment programs for homeschooled children, and some alternative schools.

Ann Schimke, Chalkbeat Colorado, Sep 14, 2019

What we’ve seen from Chalkbeat, is they generally seem to side with the government-run education establishment, and really frown upon school choice. They seem to dislike charter schools, that are in-fact public schools.

Now, we here at the Colorado Citizen’s Press aren’t necessarily anti-vaccination. However, we think parents should be able to decide on what is put into their kid’s bodies.

Our concern with this article is it is more about advocacy for vaccinations. The article is also intellectually dishonest in the sense that it doesn’t ask a simple question: if 97% of the children in school are vaccinated, then why should it matter if some aren’t? It’s like the author is telling us the vaccinations don’t work while trying to make a case for vaccinations. We’ve seen our fair share of nonsense from the left.

We also believe the vaccination issue is about control, and specifically government control. To these people who advocate control, they don’t care about anyone’s rights or ability to make decisions for themselves. It’s the classic liberal angle if you aren’t going to allow the government to control you, then you are an outcast. Think about how gun control advocates demonize those of us that believe in our civil liberties.

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3 thoughts on “Education Media Tries to Make Case for Forced Vaccinations

  1. If you are not vaccinated you infringe and danger every person especially children and at risk children which interferes in my right to be protected from dangerous viruses. The unprotected children should have to go to a special school.

    1. And here, learn something. 2x amazing videos. NVIC vid, the nurse lady breaks down how regulatory capture is operating in the vaccine industry in 2019. In the 2nd Dr video with that same nurse, they highlight the absurdity of the pro vaccination zealots, further breaking down the abuse which led to our current pro vaccination climate. & second We just wish people like Cyndy would actually become informed with facts, rather than pro pharma profit conflict of interest propaganda before speaking on this issue. My body, my choice. I just gave a healthy donation to nvic again today. Thanks for the reminder!

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