Eaton Middle School Parents Not Told About Transgender Student Using Female Facilities

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Eaton, CO – Eaton Middle School parents were not notified of a transgender student using the same restroom and locker room facilities as their daughters. The revelation came late last month when a teacher allegedly found the student in the ladies’ room.

Understandably, parents are furious. According to the concerned party who contacted us, multiple students were pulled from the school over the revelation.

We cannot imagine the confusion this must create for children between the ages of 11 and 13. Furthermore, because the school did not inform parents, we see a high potential for students to abuse this system. We are sure this is also a major concern for parents.

The Eaton RE-2 School Board of Education meets today at 6:30 p.m. Our sources tell us parents are expecting answers at the meeting.

Do not be fooled into thinking this is an isolated incident.

This controversy is happening across the country, and Colorado is on the front line. In 2008, former Democratic Governor Bill Ritter signed a “bathroom law.” It supposedly affords protections for transgender students to choose the bathroom that best aligns with their preferred gender. Specifically, under Colorado law, schools are not allowed to notify parents when a transgender student comes forward.

Colorado remains in a unique position with this law. Democrats are in full control of the legislature in 2020, and we expect to see more legislation on the issue. After all, they forced their student sexual indoctrination law on Colorado schools despite marathon hearings packed with concerned (and opposed) parents and guardians.

This is a developing situation, so please check in with the Colorado Citizen Press for future updates.

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6 thoughts on “Eaton Middle School Parents Not Told About Transgender Student Using Female Facilities


  2. And? Did her poop melt the toilet? Did she assault anyone? Nice shameless bigotry you’re displaying there, oh people of “faith”.

    Noones kicking you out of bathrooms for muttering to yourself all day and drinking blood every Sunday, so get off your high horse.

  3. “Excuse me, parents of the kids who bully me incessantly, I’d like to use the bathroom now. Can I pee in privacy, please?” Why do the parents of other kids need to be informed when someone wants to go pee?

  4. Imagine being this distraught over a child’s genitals… Really? You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Leave this poor child alone! I’m sure they get harassed enough at school, and now adults want to bully her too? How Christian of you…

    1. I see the alphabet people activist crowd is here. Mass Resistance. Stop bullying straight girls by subjecting them to mentally unhealthy people with gender identity confusion issues.

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