In what was once deep red Douglas County, 2017 saw a dramatic shift to the left on their local School Board. With that left-ward shift, The Douglas County School Board that once sued over a small school choice scholarship program – is now a bastion of the left.
In 2018, they hired a left-leaning School Superintendent, and now this is paying dividends for people who can’t see beyond their lefty political lens to protect our kids. In fact, there has been a push against charter schools – and the School Board flirted with de-funding and terminating the STEM Charter Contract before there was a blow-back from parents.
Back in late May, we wrote about an inconvenient truth regarding the STEM tragedy in Douglas County. An armed School Resource Officer was instrumental in preventing further loss of life. We opined how sad it was that the MSM stopped covering the tragedy because it didn’t fit the narrative.
Now the new Superintendent of Douglas County Schools issued a warning to charter schools who seek to protect their kids. While testifying at an Interim Committee at the Colorado State Legislature, he had this to say:
“We will fight tooth and nail, if any school, whether it’s a neighborhood school or a charter school, decides to arm its teachers,” Tucker said. “If it’s a charter school, we’re going to ask that they leave the Douglas County School District oversight.”
Superintendent Dr. Thomas Tucker, 9News, August 20, 2019
Let’s get this straight. We know this will help protect our kids, there’s direct evidence of this from the District, but the leader of the District is against it. This is liberal logic at its finest.
Clearly, the push for gun control (let’s just call it what it is – CONTROL) trumps common sense when it comes to protecting our kids.
This goes without saying, but there needs to be a drastic regime change in Douglas County. The right-leaning voter base can easily accomplish this change.
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Glad my children are not in that system. So my opinion might not matter, but my fear is this lunatic liberal carp had got to stop.