Another university is trying to make sure college student’s feelings don’t get hurt with “insensitive” words. Unfortunately, this time it is not our favorite liberal Northeastern “elitist” universities like Harvard. Yep, this is in our back yard at Colorado State University (CSU).
If you are a current, former, or future member of the CSU family (or a parent of someone who is), please read this article.
CSU’s “Inclusive Communications Task Force,” has put together an Inclusive Language Guide. We love how the left uses terms like “inclusive” when they don’t want any snowflakes to have hurt feelings. Well, let’s take a look at what our friends at Red State and Campus Reform have uncovered.
Apparently, the “Task Force” frowns upon terms like “America” or “American.” Of course, gender-specific words like “men” should never be used because kids today have been brainwashed to think there are more than two genders. Of course, if we question climate “science,” they scream we’re crazy. When we cite science and prove there are two genders, they scream we’re crazy.
But there’s more! Don’t use the term “straight” to describe your sexuality, because it hurts gay people. Seriously, people, you have got to be kidding!
Campus Reform and Red State then dump these gems on us as well:
Now, take a look at these:
Campus Reform via Red State, July 17, 2019
“War,” “cake walk,” “eenie meenie miney moe,” “Eskimo,” “freshman,” “hip hip hooray,” “hold down the fort,” “starving,” and “policeman” were among other words and phrases deemed non-inclusive by CSU.
Let’s declare “war” on being PC, “catch a tiger by its toe” and not be scared of policemen, please.
CSU is located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Yes, “FORT” Collins, and students are offended by the word “war.” Guess history will not be taught at CSU because it’s non-inclusive.
Really what this is, is more brainwashing by the left. If young people don’t know our proud history in America, they can easily be controlled.
God save our great country!
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Is it CSU Rams or CSU Ewes???