Glenwood Springs, CO – So, we have to admit, we missed this great opinion piece by Tim Jackson, head of the Colorado Auto Dealers Association. We’ve covered Tim before because he hits the nail on the head with his op-eds.
This is a continuation of the draconian push by Boulder Governor Jared Polis and Colorado Democrats to get rid of gas-powered vehicles in Colorado. Colorado is in the process of adopting stricter emissions standards than the super-lefty State of California. Now, (unfortunately) we realize that California and Colorado are starting to have too many political similarities. Starting with both Governors being from the most liberal places on the planet. California Governor Gavin Newsome is from San Francisco, and Polis is from Boulder.
Since Colorado is trying to surpass California in emission standards, can we say, with a straight face, that Boulder is more liberal than San Francisco? Yes, we think we can – and that’s a problem!
Now, back to Tim Jackson’s op-ed. We appreciate that he doesn’t let up on letting the left control the narrative and bending the truth. We’re not making any assertions about Jackson’s political bent, but it appears he’s going to call the left out when they try to spin things their way, namely when the left calls into question his industry’s integrity and motivation.
Jackson points out that car dealers give the consumer what they want. It’s simply business. People want a good or service, and the business provides it for them. The government should not try to influence these markets.
What Coloradans don’t want outside of Denver and Boulder is electric cars. Coloradans love their gas-powered vehicles. Jackson destroys the argument that electric cars and hybrids don’t sell as well because of their expense. Mainly because the government so heavily subsidizes their sales via rebates and tax credits, it makes them cheap and gives their sales a competitive advantage in the market place over gas-powered vehicles. Even with this help from the government, they still don’t sell.
He also tells a sad tale of a car dealership in Glenwood Springs that went “all-in” on electric vehicles and hybrids. This was an unfortunate market miscalculation because the dealership took on big losses.
Coloradans like their gas-powered vehicles. But many still support Colorado politicians who want to get rid of them.
So what’s the point of this article? When you’re talking to your friends and neighbors who vote for these clowns that hate gas-powered cars, you can use this ammo to prove the people they vote for don’t represent their values.
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The picture for this articel has a diesel vehicle, diesel is technically not gas, as it os different mixture – its a fuel. Coloradans also generally know that.
Yes, the batteries are not so clean and they are wasteful. Not ready for electric cars.