Aurora, Colo – A Denver School Board At-Large candidate appears to have organized the anti-ICE protest during the #StandWithICE rally held at the Aurora ICE Center on Labor Day.
According to Facebook, Denver School Board candidate Tay Anderson hosted the “Stand Against ICE – Aurora, Colorado” event.
We recently covered Part 1 of a video posted to Youtube featuring Casper Stockham, who is running for the U.S. Congress. In the video, a man we believe to be Tyrone Newsom (an avid supporter of Anderson), can be seen vehemently arguing with Stockham. Stockham accused Newsom of directing a racial slur at him. Towards the end of the video, Newsom can be heard shouting for assistance from a “Tay.”
Well, Stockham released Part 2 of the video, showing who we believe to be Tay Anderson, coming to the aid of Newsom. Watch it below:
Anderson appears to be trying to moderate the incident until the man filming quotes Newsom’s racial slur in explanation. At this point, Anderson says, “y’all don’t have entitlement to that word.” Anderson then begins shouting, telling Stockham to “chill, I’m talking about the white people.”
Again, we do not have video evidence of the entire conflict. It appears though that Anderson led the protest and acknowledged on camera the protestor at his rally used hate speech. According to reports, Antifa members were also present at the anti-ICE protest.
It saddens us to think that someone who hopes to take charge of children’s education is so caught up in hateful and discriminatory activities. Is this the model we want to set for our children in Denver?
Stockham recently interviewed with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden on 710 KNUS to tell his side of the story.
Colorado Citizen Press reached out to Anderson’s campaign for comment via email but received no response.
More Evidence Coming
Colorado Citizen Press also obtained unrelated video evidence taken by a protestor at the event. Our writers are currently researching this and other material, and we will release this documentation once it is compiled.
Stick with us as this story develops.
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