Denver, CO – We really hate writing about Denver here at the Colorado Citizen Press. None of us live within the city limits, we hate driving down there, and we definitely hate parking. That’s before we get into Denver’s lefty politics that seem to be going even further left of Boulder (Boulder is technically farther left and up on a map).
But therein lies the problem, we often have to go to Denver even though we’re not fans. Obviously, a lot of you, our readers, have to as well. Our guess is you may live, work, or have to go down there for business because our articles about Denver get a lot of clicks.
We talked about some of the things that may show up on a future ballot in Denver, like a carbon tax and increased government. Luckily those were not on the ballot this year, so we avoided a major carbon tax – because Denver voted yes on everything on the ballot by wide margins – again.
In this article, we’re going to focus on Denver Ballot Initiative 2A. The initiative, on the surface, seems innocent enough. It was billed as creating efficiencies in government by repurposing the Department of Public Works to be the Department of Transportation (we could just say it was “rebranded”). Denver traffic sucks, so this sounds good…
But not so fast! How about we cut and paste this little nugget from Colorado Politics here:
The new department will be “better aligned to achieve the goals laid out in the plan,” spokesman Michael Strott said. Specifically, the cabinet-level department is intended to help reduce single-occupancy vehicle commuters by encouraging shifts to alternative, cleaner modes of transportation; cut transportation-caused carbon pollution; encourage and increasing electric-vehicle usage.
Alayna Alvarez, Colorado Politics, November 6, 2019
So, if you don’t like public transportation, biking, or walking, Denver is going to be harder to access. Much like you, we see nearly all of the vehicles going to and from Denver being single occupancy gas-powered vehicles. Should this be a surprise? As we wrote in an article yesterday, Colorado likes its gas-powered vehicles!
We think Denver wants to build an environmentally friendly moat around the city. We’re going to assume the moat will be populated with humanely treated crocodiles that are only fed humanely killed grass-fed cows. There will be a tax to fund this, expect it on a future ballot! [This is our attempt at humor]
We felt folks needed to know what Denver is up to. They are going to great lengths to make it difficult for anyone to commute, live, or visit the city. If you think the traffic is bad in Denver, wait until their Department of Transportation vision is fully realized. It’s going to get worse, and it will not be population-driven.
Conservatives live in the suburbs. Denver liberals don’t want them traveling down to the State Capitol in Denver to see what the left is doing to Colorado. They want to keep the peasants ignorant!
We make it a point to spend zero money in Denver and try to game the parking meters. Why feed the beast?
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A few years ago I received at my office in Lakewood where I also live, a statement from Denver that for the “privilege” of driving into Denver to go to the various courts and other government offices I must go to in my capacity as an attorney, I have to pay the “head tax”.
I wrote, in big, bold, black capital letters across the notice, “Kiss my A**!”
Never heard a thing back.
Glad that my family and I found a way out, lived in Denver 1977 to 1989 2839 Adams St. It was a fine neighborhood at the time great PEPOLE. The tap water was one of the beast in the nation. Wellington tenishoes Webb was mayor after Pena screwed up DIA. Life was not bad.
But now has gone to far one way to the left. And as always the pendulum will swig back again. Colorado has long been a treasure, and PEPOLE come here for that reason m be it gold, silver, mollybedam not spelled correctly on purpose . Asking hiking the 14ers, it’s all here.
The next wave will come, I’ve seen it many times, in many ways. My family, ancestors have lived on the Rocky Mountains front range, as farmers and ranchers for many generations. I have a photo of my greatgrand father in the front yard of the farm house in La Junta Colorado with his horse team and wagon the year 1895. Point is we are going no where. My wife and I with our children and grandchildren, and now our first greatgrand child now one year old, has a baby sister due in January 2020. We are here to stay. We will not go quietly into the night u bastards .