Denver, CO – The Denver School Board voted to eliminate school resource officers on June 11, 2020. Tay Anderson and Jennifer Bacon wrote the resolution.
The resolution passed unanimously. It calls to eliminate school resource officers from Denver schools by June 4, 2021.
The Denver Police Department provides 18 specially trained officers through the current $720,000 contract.
The resolution claims these officers can be replaced by 100 unarmed and armed campus security officers.
Here is the catch.
These 100 private security officers already appear to be employed by Denver Public Schools, according to Chalkbeat. If these security officers are already working at schools, why did schools need an additional 18 school resource officers?
Even more alarming, the resolution says these officers are not to be replaced by armed security.
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board directs the Superintendent to utilize the transition period during the 2020-2021 school year to redefine school safety in DPS through the lens of affirmative support of students, which shall include:
DPS Resolution
(d) ensuring that we do not replace school resource officers with or staff our schools with the consistent presence of security armed with guns or any other law enforcement personnel.
Who is supposed to protect children in Denver Public Schools if there are not armed security guards? The Denver School Board is certainly not arming teachers to protect students.
Now, we are not against reforming the way school resource officers operate in Denver. In fact, there are likely policy changes that many people can agree to enact.
However, removing one of the first lines of defense for our students makes no sense. These officers are intended to be role models for students. They are there to make students feel safe.
If students do not feel safe around school resource officers, then that absolutely needs to be investigated and explored. The Denver School Board needs to ensure that students, regardless of race or ethnicity, are treated equally.
Instead, the Denver School Board is pandering to the “woke” Antifa mobs, that Tay Anderson keeps for company, by sticking it to the police. They are simply kicking officers out of schools rather than exploring all the options.
This resolution makes Denver students less safe, plain and simple.
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Good! And then when students pull guns, who’ you gonna call? Maybe the vice-principal can take care of it. ‘spose that will go well?
WHEN, not IF a shooter kills kids in school I hope the parents sue these 2 worthless witches clear to the skin!! It will happen. If every one is a sitting duck the hunter will have the whole thing his way. Kiss up to criminals and the kids will pay the price. Oh, yes!! Turn your desk over so they know right where you are. Who ever heard of a frigging desk being bullet proof. What they need is an armed, trained teacher in every room and in every hallway from door opening until it is closed and locked in the evening. Shoot the aholes and they will not come back!!! I thank God my great grand kids go to school in Wyoming where people are not brain washed and drugged into incompetence!!!
As a high school student in the 90’s, participating in some of the first waves of school policing, it was upsetting to see actual law enforcement within the schools. Before that period, get caught, get an infraction from the staff or full time hall monitor guy. After that point in time, get caught, get a mark on your permanent record which could follow you through your entire life, charges, and get wrapped up in the justice system. There are plenty of solutions and options to keep schools safe which do not involve subjecting children to the private prison industrial complex. Solutions like arming teachers or being able to expel as many students as is necessary, whom do not respect a peaceful theft free, respectable, school environment. Children whom do not want to be there, should not be forced to be there. Until America quits building a prison for you and me to live in, some of these actions are a long time coming. As Russell Means said; “Welcome to the reservation.”
A worthwhile watch. Russell Means. Welcome to the reservation.