Denver, CO – Denver School Board member, Tay Anderson, said “burn it down” before rioting started in the city on Thursday, May 28, 2020.
The morning before protesters started a weekend of rioting, Anderson tweeted, “Sometimes you must burn it down in order to rebuild.”
Rioters threw rocks and bottles at police, defaced the Colorado Capitol and statues with graffiti and communist symbols, and even attempted to vandalize the Denver Police Department.
House Minority Leader Patrick Neville had this to say…
Anderson led protesters over the weekend and continued to tweet about the protests.
Regardless of whether Anderson was personally involved in the violence and vandalism, there is a history of tensions at his protests.
As a hard-left activist, Anderson routinely participates and runs these events. He helped organize the anti-ICE protests and was involved in an argument over a racial slur allegedly directed at a black congressional candidate.
If Anderson expects anyone to believe he is only encouraging “peaceful” protests, he should keep violent rhetoric off his twitter account.
His leadership of these protests makes him culpable when they turn into violent riots.
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Until it gets to his neighborhood, of course!
It’s a comment almost unbelievable, but certainly not surprising. It stems from cognitive superficiality, stunted common sense mixed with the emotional justification of machiavellianism.
Two wrongs DO NOT make a right. They only encourage more evil. Protest PEACEFULLY. REACH OUT to the majority of police who still have mostly clean consciences. (It must be very hard in that job not to unjustly lash out sometimes, but from the just, mercy and forgiveness falleth upon us all like the gentle rain)
Joj2020.com #sheswithus #imwithher #endqualifiedimmunity #endqualifiedimmunitynow #endqi #jo4release #blacklivesmatter #ladyliberty #votegold
And DEFEAT Tay Anderson in the next school board race. Unless he changes his tune quite sincerely and completely, he does NOT DESERVE that platform, and who knows what he’s teaching our children!
Joj2020.com #sheswithus #imwithher #endqualifiedimmunity #endqualifiedimmunitynow #endqi #jo4release #blacklivesmatter #ladyliberty #votegold
Burn them down. You’d be a fool to send your children to public school this next year. They’re going to treat your children like prisoners, force social distancing, make them walk single file down colored lines, under the watchful camera, forced mask wearing no exceptions, and strict penalties for non compliance. They won’t be able to share balls or toys or books, no sharing anything rules, little squares to stand in, no more group time or reading circles. They will be prisoners at school. Kiss art class, gym, and general creativity good bye. Take heart, the school will have mental health counselors available if your children do not acclimate well to their new socially isolated youth prisoner lives. Same thing happening right here in Colorado, it’s nothing short of child abuse. All the kids could have been in school right now, swapping summer break for spring break. But instead, rioting and social isolation this fall at schools.