Denver, CO – The Denver School Board eliminated the Pledge of Allegiance, according to a tweet from board member Tay Anderson.
You thought that was something, I got the School Board to ditch it all together. — “With liberty and justice for all?” Not if you’re Black in America.
Tay Anderson
The tweet was in reply to President Donald Trump’s tweet about “under God” being omitted by multiple committees at the Democratic National Convention.
According to Snopes, the LGBTQ caucus meeting and Muslim Delegates Assembly both omitted the phrase.
Tay Anderson’s Intolerance
Meanwhile, the Denver School Board is no longer reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at all. Tay Anderson is evidently responsible.
This is the same Tay Anderson who said “burn it down” before violent riots began in June and voted to eliminate school resource officers from Denver Public Schools. He organized anti-ICE protests.
On top of that, Anderson frequently organizes protests where he attempts to drown out the free speech of people he disagrees with using a megaphone. For a person who claims to work for equal rights, his intolerance knows no bounds.
Anderson does not want to find solutions to real-world problems. His track record shows he wants nothing more than to divide and upend society.
It saddens us that someone like Anderson is responsible for our children.
His push to eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance from the school board meetings brings up another question. Will Anderson attempt to eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance from Denver Public Schools.
We would not be surprised if he tried.
Related Article:
Denver School Board Member Said “Burn It Down” Before Riots Thursday
Denver School Board Voted to Eliminate School Resource Officers
Did a Denver School Board Candidate Organize the Anti-ICE Protest on Labor Day?
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Actually, not if you’re “black and communist” in America – -a WISE WORD for you, bitch – – GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR COUNTRY! Go to Red China, where you belong, OR we can rescind your American citizenship and exile you – -PERMANENTLY! You obviously don’t like it here, so GET THE HELL OUT!
Thank God my great grandchildren live in Wyoming!! Schools are not run by “poor Me” trash!
Years ago I was passed over for a job to a black guy. Fine! He had one qualification–he was black. He lasted 2 weeks and came back to his old job. He was embarrassed. Not his fault–they needed to give it to someone qualified REGARDLESS OF SKIN PIGMENT!! We are all the same inside so what makes dark so special!! EEOC ruined a lot of good PEOPLE.
This guy is a candidate for “Arkancide”… get my drift?
this is what the people of denver want, he/it represents their values, and why some citizens there are not up in arms is a puzzling. This is the new enforced hate for America, a declaration of excepting socialism, communism for denver, think about it. They have turned their backs on God, which is more disturbing considering the large Hispanic population, many religious souls that live there, The city is following the same path as the rest of the liberal/socialist across this nation denouncing God, thus aligning them selves with satan, why has this not raised concern from Christians? Are we to repeat the Crusades again, and or have an other Civil War, take notice people it is happening again, stop doing the polis, wake up, what are you prepared for in the coming year? just an observation